Sunday, August 10, 2014


My cousin, Shawna, and her family celebrated a fun time this Saturday.  Her son, Braxton, got baptized.  Since I am family, and their Primary President, I was able to attend this special day.  This baptism was special because rather than getting baptized in a baptismal font, Braxton was baptized in the Beaver River!

Beaver is Braxton's favorite place and they spend a lot of time here in the summer at their family's property.  They also believe Braxton's great grandpa was also baptized in this river.  For these reasons Braxton thought it would be really cool and spiritual to be baptized in this river.  So they pulled a few strings, made a few phone calls, and made it happen.  The water was a little colder than Tony and Braxton imagined though and it sure took his breath away when he went under.  This was a really cool and spiritual baptism and I was glad I was able to be there for it.  

After the baptism we had lunch and all of the kids had a blast playing on the rocks near the river.  Logan even decided he wanted to go for a dip.  Before I could run down the bank to get him, he sat right in the water.  I think it was a little colder than he liked too because he started crying too!  After that I decided it was time to head back home.  

That night another boy in our ward, Jayson Park, got baptized.  This baptism was considered a convert baptism because the Jayson is 9 years old.  It was so nice to attend this baptism as well and see the excitement in Jayson's eyes as the missionaries talked to him about baptism and the Holy Ghost and as his grandfather baptized him.   Today in church Jayson was confirmed a member of the church and received the Holy Ghost as his constant companion.  

Probably the best part of my calling is being able to interview and attend the baptisms of these children.  I love seeing the light and excitement in their eyes.

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