Sunday, October 19, 2014

Graduating from Primary

This last month and a half has been one of many mixed emotions and stresses.  At the beginning of September I found out I was going to be released from my calling as Primary President.  To tell you the truth, I was not surprised with this.  In a way I knew it was coming because I had been in for almost 3 years.  What totally surprised me was the new calling I received.  I am now the 1st Counselor in the Relief Society!  I knew I was in for it when the bishop and both of his counselors showed up at our front door one Sunday.  When they said they wanted to call me to the Relief Society I was totally shocked.  I said "Wait a minute. That is not a Primary calling. I have always served in the Primary.  I have never even gone to Relief Society ever so I don't even know what they do!"  They all laughed and said I would be fine.  I was still a little concern until they told me who the new Relief Society president was.  Then I knew I could do this new calling and help the new president.  The new president is Catherine Gough.  She is my awesome Sunbeam teacher and the most amazing lady ever.   She has done so much for me so I told them I would do anything for her even if it meant being in Relief Society!  Another crazy thing is that a few days before I was called, I had the distinct impression that Sister Gough would be the new Relief Society president and that I needed to start looking for a new Sunbeam teacher.  Then later I had the thought that I would be serving with her in some way in this new calling.  I didn't know what I would be doing but I did not think it would be her counselor!  So you can see why I had to accept when they told me who the new president was.  Anyway, the bishop told me they were going to sustain us in church the next Sunday but they were not going to release me as Primary president until after the Primary program still six weeks away.  So I would be pulling double duty... how do you like that?  When they put us in on Sunday, the bishop said, " Well now that we have dropped a bomb in the Primary, I guess we will be reorganizing that next!"  The Relief Society took me, my secretary (as the new RS secretary), and my Sunbeam teacher!  The bishop did tell me though that even though I have double duty, my first priority is to the Primary.  So for six weeks I have been the Primary President and the Relief Society 1st Counselor, all the while planning the Primary Program and the ward Trunk or Treat.  Luckily we had the Ogden Temple dedication and General Conference in there so it really has only been three Sundays.  The nice thing about this double duty has been going on visits.  We would go as the Primary and Relief Society and I realized that the Primary and Relief Society should go on visits together more often.  It just makes sense to visit the children and their moms at the same time!

I did not realize how emotional I would get over being released from a calling.  These last few weeks in Primary have been so hard.  The first week I could not even hold it together especially after hearing those amazing little kids sing the opening song "A Child's Prayer."  I was bawling because I knew I would miss their little spirits and the feeling of Primary.  I love it.  Everyone has told me I will like Relief Society too but I am really nervous to go in there for some reason.  They have told me that the Spirit in Relief Society is different than in Primary because the spirit felt in Primary is meant for the kids while the spirit in Relief Society is meant for you.  That has given me some comfort...

This Sunday was our Primary Sacrament Meeting Program.  Our theme this year was Families Are Forever.  These kids did such an amazing job during the program.  I could feel the Spirit so strong.  I really had to keep back the tears because first the Spirit was so strong and second they released me and my presidency and sustained the new Primary presidency.  I had many ward members tell me how much they loved the program and how well the kids did.  I couldn't help but smile and agree.  We still had not found a new Sunbeam teacher so I asked Sister Gough if she would help her little class in the Program.  She happily said yes.  After the Program we shed a few tears together because it was our last day in Primary.

Here are my cute Primary kids!  And yes I say "my" because they have been mine for two and a half years and I can't help but love them as my own.  Yes I have had some ups and downs with some of them and their parents but to tell you the truth, I even love those kids and want to see them succeed. 

The Stake Primary President said this was the perfect week to be released because we are going out on a high point.  This definitely was a good week this week.  It nice to leave with a good feeling.  My dad said it was my grand finale.  Yes it was Dad! 

Here is a picture of my great presidency: Michaela Massaro (2nd Counselor), Hanna Lay (1st Counselor), me, and Kelsey Walker (Secretary).  I also served with three other wonderful ladies before they moved: Anna White (1st Counselor), Trisha Barker (2nd Counselor), and Tiah Skelton (Secretary).

And this is the new Primary presidency that I know will be amazing.  Wendy Paxman (2nd Counselor), Mikell Terry (President), Jessica Healy (Secretary), and Jazmin Morales (1st Counselor).

As I was meeting with Mikell over the last week and telling her all about her new calling as Primary President, I was really amazed at all that goes into this calling.  I just kept telling her all that I did and all the President was responsible for and she just seemed really amazed and overwhelmed but I kept telling her she would be great and things just seem to work out.  I knew I was busy but there always seemed to be time for church and family and work.  When I was set apart as the Primary President, I was promised in that blessing that I would have time for family as well as time for Primary and all the other things I was doing if I was faithful in my calling.  I can tell you now that promise was true.  I was busy and at times overwhelmed but everything always worked out for the best.  I know priesthood blessings are real and can provide great comfort.

After church I passed all of my stuff on to the new president and it was so weird walking out of church empty handed!  I will truly miss being in Primary.  I have served in the Primary for the past 8 years and I have loved it.  Now I guess the Lord has something else in store for me in the Relief Society so I am graduating from Primary and moving on to Relief Society.  I don't really know what to expect but I am willing to learn and try.  I am also a little scared because I have to teach Relief Society next month!  Sister Bonnie Thompson (the past RS president) told me to just imagine the ladies are all Primary kids in big bodies and that should help.  I hope so...

We had a wonderful Primary Program today. I could feel the Spirit so strong! Thank you to all that participated and helped make it possible. Thank you parents for your wonderful primary kids. I have loved serving in primary and will miss it. I also want to thank my awesome presidencies, Hanna Lay, Michaela Massaro, Kelsey WalkerAnna WhiteTrisha Barker, and Tiah Skelton and all of the great primary teachers and anyone who serves in primary/scouts/activity days or nursery for the amazing job they have done and all of the help they have given me. I couldn't have done it without you! Congratulations to the new presidency; I know you will be great!! 

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