Monday, February 1, 2021

Logan Says It's Great to be 8!

Happy 8th Birthday Logan!!  You are growing up so fast and becoming a handsome little man!
Eighth birthdays are kind of a big deal.  It is the year you become accountable for your actions.  It is the year you decide to what is right and wrong for yourself.  I think you are ready for it!

For birthday breakfast, Logan requested peanut butter pancakes.  We were not sure how to do this because the peanut butter usually burns a little bit while the pancake batter cooks.  But Logan wanted the peanut butter inside the pancakes not just spread on top.  So Russell brainstormed a little while at the store and decided that putting peanut butter chips in the batter would do the trick.  He was right, they were delicious (and we also spread some peanut butter on top so they were quite rich!)  Logan loved them.

Here is our handsome boy in his new birthday duds ready for school.

While at school, his whole class got to party with him.  They had earned a party day and decided to have it on February 1, Logan's birthday!   So the whole class celebrated by having a pajama, popcorn, and game day.

At the end of the day, I came to school for his birthday spotlight time.  He got to tell everyone about himself and show off some of his favorite things.  His most favorite thing was his hover board of course!  He rode it all around the classroom showing everyone his skills.  They were all impressed.

When we got home, we all headed to the place Logan wanted to go for his birthday, the Cache Valley Fun Park.  The only thing he wanted to do was play the arcade/token games so we bought a bunch of tokens and let the kids have at it.  We had a blast earning as many tickets as we could on all of the games.  I think we earned around 500!  Logan was very happy that when he tried the claw game he actually was able to win a stuffed toy.  It totally made his day.  After cashing in our tickets for prizes, we headed to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  Logan loves this place because he loves the rolls.  He also likes that you get to ride the saddle on your birthday.  Unfortunately the saddle was not available because of stupid Covid but the waiters still sang to him and yelled "Yeehaw!"  He was happy for that.

When we got home, it was time to open presents.
Because it is his 8th birthday, he received gifts to go along with his upcoming baptism.  He received new scriptures, a baptism book, and a new tie and tie tack.  He also got some new basketball shoes and a fun game called Buildzi.  He really likes playing the game and building things with the blocks.

Time for cake!

It's great to be eight!!  Logan had a great birthday and said he loved everything about it.

Because eight years means getting baptized soon, we took some time while we were in St. George for New Years to take some Baptism/Birthday photos of Logan.  I love how they turned out.

The temple grounds are closed right now for major temple renovations so we decided to take the pictures at the Elk Lodge Golf Course.  I really like the scenery and the red rocks in the pictures.  

We also went up to the Red Hill but it was getting too dark for good pictures.  Here are some of the funny ones we took up there.

Here Logan is trying to eat the temple.  I don't really know if that is a good idea...
We sure love you Logan and are so glad you are in our family.  You are just a happy kid that loves people and loves giving hugs.  We love your happy-go-lucky attitude and your positive disposition.  Being the middle child, you are definitely the cream filling in our Oreo of a family.  We love you Buddy!

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