Monday, August 9, 2021

4 Months Old

Brooklyn is seriously the happiest baby.  She is always smiling. She is now four months old and is growing all the time.  
At her most recent well check, she weighed 13 lb 13 oz (41 percentile) and is now 23.75 inches long (20 percentile) and her head is 16.5 inches (84 percentile).  She is not the biggest baby but I'm pretty sure she is the cutest!  

This is the face I wake up to every morning. She is definitely a morning person. Brooklyn is pretty good about sleeping through the night or only waking up once.  She has also grown so much that it looks like it is time to move her into the big crib because she is getting too big for the bassinet.

Brooklyn loves talking to her brothers and sisters and loves being entertained by them.

Emily was the first one to get Brooklyn to laugh.  We were camping in Idaho and Emily was talking to her in the trailer when all of the sudden Brooklyn started giggling at Emily.  This was the first time she laughed.  Emily felt pretty special for getting the first laugh out of her.

Brooklyn also went to the swimming pool for the first time this month.
As you can see, she loved putting her feet in the cool water.  She was not even scared.  We didn't put her whole body in the pool, we just got her feet splashed.

Here is a cool girl picture:

Brooklyn likes holding her own bottle now.  She gets really impatient when we try to hold it for her because I guess she thinks we either don't hold it right or she is afraid we will take the bottle out of her mouth.  She is a funny girl.
Happy 4 months old Chunky Monkey!

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