Monday, August 23, 2021

First Day of School 2021-22

It is already the first day of school for the new school year 2021-2022.  The summer went by so fast.  This year we have a 7th, 5th, and 3rd grader as well as a preschooler!  Thankfully the Covid restrictions from last year have been lifted so the kids do not have to wear masks to school anymore and they can have parent helpers in the classroom again.  I am glad we are hopefully getting away from this pandemic.

Emily's first day of Middle School started early.  Her bus comes at 7:25 am so she has to get up at around 6:30.  Thankfully she is old enough now to get up and ready on her own.  

She is getting so grown up!  Emily has been looking forward to middle school for a while now.  Her main motivation for going to middle school is her locker!
She was so excited to get a locker and decorate it before school started.  A week or so before school started, we toured South Cache Middle School and found all of her classes.  She switches classes every hour so she wanted to be sure and find out where all of her classes were before the first day.  We also got her locker number and combination and Emily when to town decorating it.  She taped up photos and uplifting quotes as well as a mirror, just in case.  Emily could not wait for the first day of school.  To tell you the truth, I was a little nervous for her to start middle school.  I remember going to middle school and not liking it that much.  I had a hard time making friends the first year and was worried Emily would be the same.  Thankfully though she came home from the first day happy and said it was a good day.  So far she has made a few new friends as well as gotten better acquainted with old ones.  I am glad she is doing well.  Emily is taking band for the first time this year.  She has decided to play Percussion.  I hope she loves band as much as I did.

The boys are the only ones left in the Elementary School this year.  An hour after Emily left for school the boys got ready to head out. 
Colby is in 5th grade this year and has Mrs. Potter for his teacher.

Colby was also excited to start school because that meant he could have recess and see all of his friends again. 
I hope Colby has a great year and learns so much.  Fifth grade is a big learning year because he can start working on the Great American Award, and much more exciting big projects. 

Logan is in 3rd Grade this year.

I don't know why but with his hair cut and fat, bandaged lip, he looks like a thug.  Great first impression right.  
Logan's teacher is Mrs. Scott.  She is a newer teacher and seems really nice.  For the first day of school, Logan was supposed to bring three things that described him to show the class.  Well Logan brought his three things but the only thing his class wanted to know about him was how he got his stitches.  They wanted to know what happened, if it hurt, how many, and how long it would take to get better.  Logan said he was getting tired of answering everyone's questions. 

All the big kids had great first days.

The next Monday Charlotte started preschool.

As you can tell, she was so excited to go to school like the big kids.  Charlotte is in the preschool at Mountain Crest High School.  This is the same preschool Logan went to a few years ago.  Charlotte's teacher is Ms. Mindy.
Charlotte loves Ms. Mindy and loves going to school.  She asks me everyday if it is a school day.  She has met a lot of new friends and even a boyfriend!  His name is Jaxton!  She is so funny.  Her friend, Everett is in her class too so it is nice to car pool with his mom on Wednesdays.

Of course she needed a new backpack to start school so I made her one.

Charlotte picked the material out of my stash of scraps and we put it together.  She loves her new backpack!

Charlotte also started her first year of Let's Play Music.

This is the music class the other kids did and we put Charlotte in Logan's old teacher's class, Ms.  Ashley.  So far Charlotte has loved going to music class.  She like singing the songs, dancing, and playing the bells.  I think this will be really good for her.

There you go, we made it through the first days of school!

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