Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Garden Pics

We had another successful garden this year. We planted peas, lettuce, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, beans, corn, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, and watermelon.  
One fun thing we planted was this yellow watermelon.  Last year I tried a yellow watermelon at a dinner I went to and loved it.  I saved some of the seeds from that watermelon and planted them this year.  I didn't really know if it would grow or produce anything so when it did, we were really excited.

How did it taste you ask? Delicious!!

Our corn and potatoes were really good too:

Not to mention the carrots and peas and everything else.  We also got a ton of tomatoes.  I was canning tomatoes all the time this year.  I made salsa, pasta sauce, tomato juice, and just tomatoes.  

Our watermelons did really well.  We also planted normal red watermelons along with the yellow ones.  We ended up getting about ten watermelons.  They were all so good!  

We didn't plant any squash plants, like zucchini, spaghetti squash, or pumpkins this year because I didn't want to deal with squash bugs.  We also read that if you do a crop rotation with squash plants, the bug will not be so bad.  We decided to try this out and planted multiple melons instead.  We planted the two different watermelons and a cantaloupe. Everything was fine until we went outside one day to check on the garden.  We notice something was wrong with the cantaloupe, it looked really dry.  We added some more water to it but nothing helped.  It just kept going down hill.  Then I found them: the evil squash bugs.  They had attacked the cantaloupe and were slowly killing it.  I killed as many as I could but it was too late, the cantaloupe was a goner.  Apparently a cantaloupe is part of the squash family.  I had no idea.  We were so mad!  After the cantaloupe died though, the squash bugs moved on to somewhere else.  The weird thing is that cantaloupe, watermelon, and cucumbers are all related to the squash family but the bugs only infested the cantaloupe.  I learned something new and I am glad the nasty bugs only got the one plant not our whole garden.  

Our lettuce crop was really small this year.  We never really got any lettuce.  The strange thing was that it never grew right and then all of a sudden it went to seed.  When we pulled it up, we noticed the roots were very small. We think the ants ate all of the roots which is why it didn't grow well.  

I don't know, it seems like every year we learn something new about the garden and are always thinking of ways to improve for next year.  We might try squash again next year but stay on top of the bugs with pesticides.  I guess we will see.  I'm pretty sure we will plant another yellow watermelon though!

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