Thursday, September 8, 2011

6 Months & Swimming

Colby is six months old! He just keeps growing and growing. He is so fun and such a happy baby. He loves laughing and playing with Emily. At his doctor's appointment he weighed in at 21 pounds (95 percentile) and 28 inches tall (95 percentile). Here are a few pictures of my little (big) guy:

He is such a chub! The poor thing had to get his shots at the doctor's and he was not happy about that. When we were leaving the office, he was cursing the nurse. He looked right at her and yelled and growled at her for a whole minute! He was happier once we left the building. He is starting to babble all the time now. He will even say "Hi!" to you. It is more like "Haa" but that is what he means. He loves to sit and play with toys. He can roll over from his back to his belly but can't figure out how to get back onto his back. This is funny because he used to know how to roll from his belly to his back but once he learned back to belly, he seemed to forget the other way. He seems to get around to where he wants by kicking his legs and scooting. Colby is doing much better with solid foods. He absolutely LOVES rice cereal. He is still just tolerating baby food but he does like to eat it. He seems to like vegetables better than fruits. He is also doing much better sleeping in his crib. He doesn't like to lay flat but he will sleep longer if he is propped up on an angle with the Boppy. I can't believe how fast he is growing.

The other day we brought out the kids' little pool and they had a great time playing in it. Colby loves splashing and Emily loves running and jumping into the pool.

Russell got a few good ones of Emily jumping in mid air. She had a blast and now asks us everyday if she can get her pool out and play in it. We will have to bring it out again.

Clifford liked just sitting in the shade of the play pin. He is also getting bigger and we are still trying to potty train him. It is taking forever! I think he is just too little (or too lazy) to walk from the patio to the dirt. Russell is working on a dog run on the side of the house.

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