Saturday, October 8, 2011

7 months

Colby is seven months old! He is the cutest little boy and always so happy. He continues to grow bigger and bigger each day. He is now 22 pounds of Rollie-pollie fun.

Colby is always smiling and so happy. He loves just watching every one around him and laughing at things he thinks is funny. Colby is perfectly content sitting and playing with toys. He also loves playing with Emily. His new favorite game is Peek-A-Boo. He squeals so loudly every time we say Boo. He also loves eating treats. Colby is learning to pick up little treats and feed himself. He is a little lazy in that he would rather have me put the treat in his mouth for him though! Vanilla wafer cookies are his favorite and he gets really excited when I bring one out for him. He also loves sharing Otter Pops with Russell and me. His eyes get really big when he sees us get a Otter Pop out of the freezer. We have discovered that he does have an allergy. When Emily was a baby, her favorite treats were the little freeze-dried yogurt bites. Because Emily loved then we were sure Colby would too. He did love then until his face got covered with hives and his eyes became swollen and red. Then he started itching and rubbing his eyes which didn't help the situation. Russell quickly ran to our neighbor's house to borrow some children's allergy medicine. After giving Colby some medicine and washing his face really well, he was much better. We decided he was allergic to strawberries because they were strawberry yogurts. Later, we got him some more yogurt bites but this time we got banana flavor because we knew he wasn't allergic to bananas. We gave them to him and all seemed okay for the first few times. Then the symptoms returned and his face got all red and his poor little eyes were completely blood shot and watery. We gave him some more medication and he was fine. I read the ingredients on the package and the only thing in those yogurts besides the flavoring is milk and sugar. So we have about decided that Colby is allergic to milk! Russell's sister had these same symptoms when she was a baby whenever she ate milk products but she was able to grow out of it. Hopefully Colby will also grow out of this allergy whatever it is.

To get around, Colby rolls and rolls. I told him it would be easier to get around if he would get on his knees and crawl but he just looked at me funny.

We recently discovered that Colby loves Clifford! Whenever we go outside to play with Clifford, Colby squeals with delight as he sees Clifford running around. He also laughs every time Clifford tries to lick his arms and toes. In the picture above, Colby didn't know if he should pet Clifford but he cautiously and carefully placed his hand on his dog's back then got excited and began patting him. It was so cute.

Colby has discovered that toes are pretty tasty treats. He sucks on them whenever he gets the chance. Here I caught him eating his toes and then we quit when he realized he was caught. This is he "You Caught Me" face. The other day, I put shoes and socks on Colby and the next thing I know, he had his foot up to his mouth and he was trying to eat his shoe. I guess the shoe didn't taste as good as the toes because as I was watching him, he managed to kick his shoe off and then pull his sock off to get to the yummy toes. I just had to laugh at him and the effort he put into it.

Colby is developing such a fun personality. He is starting to find his own voice as he squeals and screams and babbles. I think this is the funnest age and stage because he can interact with us and play. We were talking to a lady at the store the other day and Emily was saying "Hi" an putting in her two bits as well. Suddenly Colby let out a playful squeal too. I guess he felt left out of the conversation and wanted to say "Hi" too! He did this a few more times before I guess he felt like he had given his input. It was so funny.

I put him in the walker for the first time and he seems to like being in it. He is still a little too short to walk around in it but he does like to sit in it and be off he floor. Every once in a while he will reach his feet down and arch his back to scoot around in the walker. Soon he will be running every where.

These two crazy kids love taking baths and splashing me until I am as wet as they are. It is fun to see the excitement on Colby's face as he kicks and splashes in the water. A few weeks ago Emily told me she was building a boat in the tub so she could go to the Promised Land with the Gold Plates. I love her imagination and that she can remember everything.

As I mentioned in the last post, I finally finished Colby's crib bumper pads:

I think they turned out pretty good. They were kind of more work than I thought they would be but I like the finished product and they will be really cute with the fabric I purchased for the quilt. I have the quilt all cut out, now I just need to put it together. (Stay tuned). Now if only Colby would sleep through the night... I don't know what to do about him, he tends to wake up 3-4 times a night if not more. Emily didn't sleep through the night until she was older too but I never remember it being like this. Oh well I am glad that one of the perks of parenthood is being able to get by on minimal sleep!

Well I sure love this kid and wouldn't trade him for all the sleep in the world. I can't believe how fast he and Emily are growing and how fast the months have flown by.

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