Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Party

This year my mom's annual Halloween Party was on Saturday October 29th. Only about half of the grand kids were there because Lacie couldn't come down and Braden, Jason and Justin were deer hunting. We still had a pretty big crew and the party was fun.

Here are all of the guests in their great Halloween costumes. Isn't that butterfly and puppy the cutest thing ever? Russell's mom found an added accessory to Emily's costume. She found those fabulous butterfly glasses. They have little glow sticks around the eye holes so they light up in the dark. Emily absolutely loved the glasses and did not want to take them off.

We played some fun games at the party. We played ring toss over the pumpkins, put together a skeleton puzzle, and of course had a cake walk which Chelsie always wins.

I also had everyone make a craft. We made ghosts out of suckers and Kleenex and pumpkins out of toilet paper and orange tissue paper. Everyone seemed to have a good time making them. Jess was even excited to finally have a Halloween decoration to put in her new house! Emily is so crafty and smart. She watched me make the demo pumpkin at home and she remembered every step. She knew just what to do to make her pumpkin and was showing everyone else how to make it. Above she is showing off her pumpkin she made herself. I only helped her with the face. As you can see though, she has already had too much candy and looks kind of dazed with her blue mouth! What a great party!

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