Thursday, September 6, 2012

Catching Up

We finally got everything cleaned up and caught up from our trip to Oregon so I thought I would do a little post on the things that have happened over the last couple weeks.

First, Emily has been enjoying her fishing pole.  She practises her casting skills almost everyday.  We will have to get Colby a pole soon I think because he is always wanting to play with Emily's.  I made him a pole out of a stick and yarn and tied a fish to it but to him it is not the same.  He wants one he can reel in.  Here they are practising their fishing skills in the front room with their swimming pool.  Russell even made them Smores by cooking the marshmallows over the stove.  When I got home from presidency meeting, our house smelled so bad of burnt marshmallows!  But what can I say, they had fun.

Emily loves playing dress up.  Colby wants to do everything Sister does so the other day he brought me the Snow White dress and wanted me to put it on him.  I laughed so hard but he smiled so big when I put it on him.  After getting the dress on, he ran excitedly to go play with Emily.  Russell was outside working on the front yard and when he came in and saw his son in a dress he was soooo mad!  I just laughed and told him to chill because Colby was having fun.  I am sure Colby will be just fine.

August 31 was Emily's first day of preschool.  We are just doing a joy school program with a few other moms in the neighborhood.  There are 5 kids in the group and we rotate houses each week.  We are learning letters, days of the week, months, and counting.  They will also learning to write, count by tens, nutrition, world cultures, science experiments, and more by the end of the year.  Emily loves going to "school" and is doing pretty well for this being her first year.  This is the second year for the other kids.  It is also nice that the kids are all Emily's friends from church so she loves seeing them during the week.

On Labor Day we went up to Pine Valley fishing.  Emily's casting practise has paid off and she was able to cast her own pole into the lake to catch a fish.  We didn't catch anything which I think is a great day at fishing because not gutting, cleaning, and cooking fish!  Ha Ha! Anyway we cooked hot dogs for dinner and even roasted marshmallows over the grill for Smores.  They were really yummy!  This year has been really dry and a lot of fires so we were not allowed to have campfires this year.  That didn't stop us from enjoying our Smores though!

Russell is totally redoing our front yard so I will post the finished product soon...

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