Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Transforming the Front Yard

Russell has been working really hard this past month to get our front yard done.  We have had dirt/weeds growing in it since we moved in and we finally got them taken care of and the yard looks so nice now!  Here is a before picture:
And the after!  Doesn't it look so much better!  It is not 100% done yet, we still need to add some gravel and a few shrubs to the east side of the yard but we probably won't get to that until next spring.  Russell had to redo the sprinkler system, then he laid the pavers for the walkway, laid the diamond block, planted a tree and finally laid sod.  A lot of work but definitely worth it!

The Hartshorn's convinced Russell to do a walkway out of pavers instead of concrete.  They lay pavers for a living up in Oregon.  They told him it would be a pretty easy job and gave him some pointers while we were up visiting them.  Richard Hartshorn said something like the roads in heaven are all made of golden pavers.  He said we had a choice, Pavers and go to the Celestial Kingdom, or concrete and go to somewhere else!  We decided we better make our walkway out of pavers!  Well the pavers were definitely a trial Russell had to go through so they must lead to the Celestial Kingdom.  The way the Nephi and Richard talked, Russell could have the walkway laid and done in a few hours.  Well it took a few days, a smashed hand, lots of fill dirt, leveling and more leveling, and cursing to get it done.  It turned out really good though and I think it does look a lot better than concrete.  We are going to plant bulbs like tulips daffodils, and irises in the planter beds along the walkway so that each Spring they will be so beautiful.  We love how it turned out and it is nice to come closer to finishing a big project.  Our next big project is painting Emily's room and separating the two bedrooms.  (A post to come.)

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