Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's another....


We had our 20 week ultrasound on September 12 and we were able to find out the sex of the new baby.  I think we were all surprised to find out it is another boy because we were sure it was a girl this time.  We are super excited though and I am glad that Colby will have a brother to play with now.   We were all convinced it was a girl because Emily was dead set that it was a sister and nothing could change her mind.  She had even named the baby Amelia Bedilia!  (I actually think Amelia is a cute name so that is what we would have named it if it had been a girl.)  We kept asking Emily what if it is another brother and she would just say no its a sister.  We were really worried that she would find out that it was a boy and be really mad.  We took Emily and Colby to the ultrasound so they could see their new sibling.  Emily loved it but Colby didn't really care.  When the ultrasound tech told us it was a boy, we were all happy.  She told Emily she would get another stinky brother!  I was surprised because Emily was actually really excited for a new brother!  She has not even mentioned a sister since then.  Her first words were " Yeah now we can name him Prince Eric!"  I told her we are not naming the baby Prince Eric so she said "OK how about Flynn Rider?"  I cannot seem to get her to change her mind about that name.

After the ultrasound, we went to show my mom the pictures.  By then even Colby was saying "Brother!"  So the only bad thing about having a boy is picking a name!  I think boy names are hard.  If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know!  For now the baby is called Flynn Rider but I can tell you that is not what it will actually be named!  Any way, we are way excited but now the work begins to prepare the boys room and Emily's room and make baby stuff and pull out all of the boy clothes and just get ready. 

I went to the doctor on Thursday (20th) and he said that the ultrasound tech couldn't get all of the pictures they needed because of the position the baby was in.  The baby refused to move to a different position because apparently he likes laying on his belly!  So we are scheduled to have another ultrasound in a month. 

After leaving the hospital, we drove up to the Sun Bowl to see all of the rodeo animals that are here for the Dixie Round Up.
You can see in this picture that my belly is starting to stick out quite a bit.  I stinks because when I was pregnant with Emily and Colby I didn't really start showing until I was at least 6 months along.  With this third one, it seems like my body is like "Who Cares!" and I feel like I have been showing since month three!!  Well I am measuring right on and am 21 week along now which makes my due date still January 30.  Also in other baby news, Jess just found out she is having a boy too!! So I am sure they will be best buds growing up.
And Colby and Emily loved the horses and bulls at the Sun Bowl.  They wanted to pet all of them but of course they couldn't.  We didn't go to the rodeo this year but they loved the seeing the animals and watching the parade.   We have also been very busy canning pears (30 quarts or 40 lbs to be exact) and apples (we made 11 quarts of applesauce and dried a whole bunch for apple chips) lately.  We are also preparing for Emily's 4th birthday coming up next week.  Stay tuned for that.


The Nielson Bunch said...

Yippie a boy!!! I think little boys are so so cute. Colby will love having a brother to play with a they will be best buds. Love the temple pictures as well. Looks like a great time.

Crystal said...

Boys are fun, but I agree boy names are harder. You look great. I love the tangled party. It is really cute and you front yard looks fabulous.