Friday, January 18, 2013

Colby's New Room

We finally got the boy's room put together! Now we officially have a girl room and a boy room.  Russell was off for a few days so he painted all of the walls white and it totally brightened up the room.  We had an eggshell white on the walls before and I thought that was okay but the room is so much lighter with this pure white color on it.  Then when I got home from work, we put up the truck wallpaper boarder and the little car and truck decals on the walls.  I really like how the room turned out.

Colby really liked his new room.  He points to all of the cars on the walls and the airplanes and his favorite, the trains above the closet.  He also loves his big boy bed.  He tells me all the time that he is a big boy because he has a big boy bed and wears big boy shorts.  That's right we finally potty trained him.  We started on January 1 as our New Year resolution and he was potty trained within the week!  We are so happy we don't have to change diapers anymore (at least until the new baby comes that is.)  He potty trained really fast so I don't know why we waited so long.  He even stays dry during the night!  He is a big boy!

Anyway here are more pictures of the room: 

I made this valance about a year ago when I finished Colby's quilt but never had anywhere to put it.  Now I do.  I think these little truck decals and wallpaper border are so cute and really add to the room.  Above the baby's crib the wall is a little bare but as soon as we decide on a name, we will put it there but we haven't decided yet.  Hey we still have a couple weeks.
Speaking of Colby, here is a funny picture of him that I took during breakfast this morning.  He has decided he likes getting undressed by himself. This is his way of telling me he is done with breakfast and ready to get dressed.  And Emily was laughing so hard at him that he thought he was so tricky!

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