Saturday, December 27, 2014

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone!  We really had a great Christmas this year and it felt like we celebrated for a full week rather than just one day.  It was nice to be around family and celebrate the Savior's birth.

We began our Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve at my parent's house.  There we had dinner and then acted out the Nativity story.

We got the little play from this month's Friend magazine and each of the kids had parts to memorize.  They did a great job.
Grandma Morwood and Janet gave each of the kids a present so we got a picture of the grandkids with Grandma.  She is 96 in this picture.

We then went home and did some of our own traditions.  First we open one present:

New Christmas pajamas!  I was able to make these pajamas this year.  They are of things the kids like.  Emily's are Frozen, Colby's are Spiderman, and Logan's are doggies.  I love how they turned out and so do the kids.
Then we each wrote our note to Santa.  Emily asked for a doll, Colby wanted a remote control car and Root Beer, and Logan just scribbled on the paper.  I'm sure Santa knows what that means.

The next morning was Christmas!  Unfortunately Russell had to work at 8 am so we got the kids up bright and early at 5:30 to open presents.  They were tired by excited at the same time.  Emily was shaking because she was so excited!
Logan was so fun to watch.  He loved opening presents.  He liked his motorcycle from Santa and will not let Colby ride it at all. His favorite gift by far though was his remote control Thomas the Train.  He loves that thing and has played with it and taken it everywhere we go ever since.  Trains are his favorite thing right now.  Everything is a choo-choo train, even semi-trucks. 
Colby got everything he wanted and more.  He loved his remote control truck and drove it all morning.  Then the bad news happened...  He drove it down the stirs at Grandma's house and the wheel broke off.  He was so sad.  Luckily Santa left the receipt just in case and we were able to return it a few days later and get a new red truck.  He loves this truck too.  Colby even got the Root Beer he requested.  This kid loves root beer and since we hardly ever buy it, Colby decided he better ask Santa for some.  Well Santa brought the good stuff, Henry Wienharts!  Colby was so happy.  He also got his own scriptures and a scripture bag to go to Primary with now that he is in Sunbeams!  And his own little computer to help him learn even more.  
Emily had a good Christmas too.  Her big gift was an American Girl doll.  She loves it so much and has named her Emma.  Emily is always asking to use my camera to take pictures so she also received her own digital camera.  She has taken so many pictures and most of them are pretty good.  It is funny to hear her with her camera as she is trying to get us to pose or look at the camera for a picture.  I really hope I don't sound like that but I probably do because where else would she have learned it...  I made a bunch of doll clothes to fit Emma including an Elsa dress to match Emily's Halloween costume and pajamas to match Emily's as well.  She also got a bunch of books to read and a new journal to write in.
Russell and I also had a good Christmas.  It was so much fun to see the kids light up when they saw their gifts.  They were so excited and that is what totally made our day.  Russell did surprise me with a Garmin watch.  This watch is so awesome!  When I wear it running it tracks my progress, tells me how many miles I have gone, my pace for each mile, and even how many calories I have burned.  I am still learning a lot about how to use it but it is so fun to see my progress.  I also received a food dehydrator so I don't have to keep borrowing my mom's.  Russell wanted a new fishing pole so he could take the kids fishing so he got that and of course new SOCKS!  He also received a new Leatherman from Emily because she told me he needed one.
We had a great Christmas at our house.  After our traditional breakfast of eggs and muffins, Russell had to head to work.  The rest of us just chilled and watched Planes and took a nap!  Then we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's to give them their gifts and make the rounds.
This year for gifts for our parents and the Bassett's we gave them personalized puzzles we made off of Shutterfly.  These puzzles are so cool.  All we had to do was upload whatever picture or pictures we wanted to Shutterfly and then they turned then into a 250 piece puzzle.  We made one for us too and it was so fun putting it together because it was our faces we were piecing together.

I have to get this in writing... It snowed on Christmas Day in St. George this year!!!  OK so it was just a few little flurries and nothing stuck to the ground but hey, it snowed!

After hanging out with my family and having dinner and celebrating Christmas, we headed over to the Farnsworth's when Russell got off work.  Jen, Rick and their family came down a day early because a storm was coming in and they didn't want to get caught in it.  It was fun to see them again and meet our new nephew, James.
Here are all of the grandkids, except James, playing with Uncle Tyler.  

Because some people had to work on Christmas Eve and Day, and we didn't think Jen and Rick were coming down so early, we decided to have Christmas a day later.  So we treated the actual Christmas Day like Christmas Eve.  So that night we acted out the Nativity.  Emily was Mary and Alex was Joseph, Russell was the donkey, and of course baby James was Baby Jesus.

I love this picture!  I think it looks so sweet how Mary and Joseph are looking at the baby Jesus.  It was just one of those perfect moment pictures!

We also had the Three Wise Men (which were more like three wise guys) bringing gifts. Traci and Annalynn made perfect angels as Traci carried in Baby Jesus and Annalynn brought the star.  Paul was a great innkeeper and Colby and Logan were the shepherds.
And here are all of the grand kids, including James, in their new Christmas pajamas from Grandma.

The next day we celebrated Christmas at the Farnsworth's house.  We got to open more presents but most of all the kids got to play with their cousins that they don't get to see often.  

During some down time, I brought out some Gingerbread men for the kids to decorate.  They had a good time and loved eating the cookies afterward.  I had to tell them to hold on so that I could get a picture before they ate their men.

We are a crazy bunch when we get together with the Farnsworth's.  But we sure have fun.  We played a lot of games including The Candy Bar Game, Spit on Your Neighbor, Quelf, and a new game we got for Christmas, Telestrations.  It is so fun.  This game is a combination of Pictionary and Telephone.  We had a blast playing it so Traci bought the 12 player version of the game as well.  We also played Laser Tag and hiked the Red Hill.  

This was a fun Christmas Season spent with family.  It is so nice to have family close by and definitely a blessing.
I had to throw this picture in too.  As I said before, I made Emma an Elsa dress like Emily's so here they are modeling their matching dresses.  I love it.


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