Tuesday, September 14, 2010

16-week belly

16 weeks down, 23 weeks to go...

The baby bump has began and I have gained a total of 5 pounds so far. Emily wanted to show off her belly too. She is so funny when we do something she wants to do she says "Emily do it too?" When we ask Emily what she wants to name her baby brother/sister (that's what she calls it "brother/sister") she says "Baby Apple." I think it is a cute name but Russell objects.
At the doctor's appointment we were able to hear the baby's heart beat. It was so cool. Last month, the doctor was kind of searching around to find the heartbeat but he kept just hearing mine. Then, I think the baby was hiding because the doctor put the microphone thing down near the bottom and there it was, this tiny little whoosh-whoosh sound, the heartbeat. It was cool to hear the difference between my loud heartbeat and then the baby's mini heartbeat. This appointment the doctor found the heartbeat right off and it was louder this time. My doctor said it was good and strong which is great news!
I have been feeling a lot better lately and the sick feelings have gone. I think I am allergic to the prenatal vitamins I am taking because within a half hour of taking them, I puke. I asked my doctor for a different prescription and he gladly gave me one. I hope these will be better.


Crystal said...

What a cute little belly bump!

~HIGGINS~ said...

you look so cute. Prenatals made me sick with wyatt. I tried 5 kinds before I finally had to just have flinstone vitamins. Good Luck.