Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pine Valley

We spent our Labor Day weekend at home this year. Russell had to work on Saturday and I had to go to church on Sunday to help my primary kids review all of their Primary Program songs. Our program is in 6 weeks and I hope we will be ready! So on Monday, we headed up to Pine Valley to beat the heat and have picnic.
The trip was really fun and relaxing. We cooked hot dogs and I made potato salad (which was really good if I do say so myself!) I was really surprised that Emily loved hot dogs! She is not really a meat eater but she downed her hot dog. After lunch we went walking along the river. We wanted to put our feet in the water but it was freezing. Emily spent much of her time finding pine cones or sticks to throw in the water.

This is one big stick Emily found. She tried to push it over so she could throw it in the water but what she didn't realize was it was a little tree in the ground. It was so funny.
Below, Emily and I are playing "Pooh Sticks." We throw our sticks in the river on one side of the bridge and then go to the other side to see who's stick comes out first.

I think Emily's stick won mine!
Afterward, we drove to the lake so Russell could to fishing. It was just nice to relax in the shade and read a book while he fished and Emily through sticks in the lake. I took Emily for a walk to look for sticks and we found what Emily called a "big 'tick" it was actually a small log! I helped her pick it up and together we chucked it in the lake. It was awesome. After Russell realized he was getting skunked and not catching anything, we packed up and headed home. We had a great day and Pine Valley is so beautiful and nice this time of year. We are thinking we want to have Emily's birthday party up there this year.

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