Monday, May 9, 2011


Colby is two months old!! He is growing so fast and is quite a little chunk. I love all of his rolls and rolls. He weighs 14 lbs 6 oz and is 24 inches. He has doubled his birth weight and grown 3 inches. He is also the cutest thing ever...just see for yourself: He is such a smiley boy. He will smile at you whenever you talk to him or squeeze his big cheeks. He has a genuine smile too. You can tell it is not one of those gassy smiles it is a real smile because his eyes will smile too.

Colby loves his sister too. Emily can make him smile the most. In fact she is the one talking to him and getting him to smile in these pictures. He will "talk" to her too. Emily sure loves Colby and is very protective. Occasionally people will ask her if they can have Colby and take him home with them and she tells them "No he's my brother!" Colby is almost as big as her too.

We gave Colby his first real bath last week! We had been giving him spit baths for the past two months because for some reason his umbilical cord would not fall off! We asked his doctor and he said he had never seen one stay on this long. He said it could be a sign of an auto-immune disorder but Colby didn't show any other signs of one so he didn't think that was the case. So he just coated the cord with some Silver Nitrate to assist in the scabbing process and then did it again a few weeks later. Finally, his umbilical cord fell off after 8 weeks!

Look at all those rolls; what a cute little fatty! Colby wasn't so sure about the bath at first. He had a pretty confused look on his face but by the time I had washed him up, he was having a good time.

Colby's favorite part though was being wrapped up in him towel getting dry. Colby loves being naked I have found out. Whenever I take off his clothes, he calms down and smiles and is so happy. He also loved baths and getting his hair washed, but he HATES getting his face washed and lotion on his face and hair. Typical boy I guess. I love this little stinker and his big sister too!


The Nielson Bunch said...
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The Nielson Bunch said...

What a cute chunk!! I can't believe he is as big as Kaycie. He is going to break your poor back. I also love it when they start smiling, there is nothing cuter.