Monday, May 23, 2011

Story Time

I took Emily to Story Time at the library on Thursday and she LOVED it. She loved it so much she practically begged us to take her back the next day so Russell took her and Colby while I was at work. She is a little stinker though, after the class on Thursday, I literally had to drag her out of the library kicking and screaming because she didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay in her "class." I have never been so embarrassed. When we got home I told her she couldn't go back to the library if she ever did that again and she promised she wouldn't. So when Russell took her the next day I asked him how it went and he said she did find and didn't even put up a fight when it was time to leave. Why is it that kids are always better for their dads? Any way, Emily loves Story Time so I am pretty sure we will start going every week. Even Colby likes going. He smiles and smiles as he listens to the music and watches the kids play.

Emily loves singing the songs, listening to the stories and dancing with the other kids.

She will come home from the Story Time singing the songs, and talking non stop about what they did in "class." We have all of the songs memorized. Emily also loves participating in the class discussions. Whenever the teacher asks a questions or shows a picture Emily is the first one to answer or at least the loudest! Then she also has a comment to make about every page of the book. She is definitely going to be a social butterfly when she gets into school and she can hardly wait to go to school. Every time we drive by the Elementary school in our neighborhood, she points to it and says "I going there when I get bigger huh Mom." and I say "Yep." It is fun to listen to her talk. Yesterday she was telling me all about how she was going to get married in the temple but she couldn't right now because she still needed a dress and flowers. I didn't mention that she needed a boy too, I'll just let her figure that out on her own! It was so cute.

Any way, after Story Time, Dad took her to play in the water park near the library, another one of her favorite things:

Here she is dancing to a song in her "class:"

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