Sunday, June 5, 2011

3 months

Colby turned 3 months old yesterday!! His is growing too fast; I can't believe it. He is getting so chubby too. I love it! I weighed him on our home scales and he is already close to 17 lbs! Emily was only 19 lbs when she was a year old so Colby is catching up quickly. What can I say he is a typical boy and loves to EAT! Here are some cute pictures of my future drummer:

That's right I am training him young to be a rocker! As you can see he already has the proper grip on the sticks. My mom gave Colby these cute drummer onesies and he was quickly growing out of them so I had to snap a few posed shots in them. Colby discovered his hands a few weeks ago and they have been his favorite chew toy ever since. He would much rather suck on them than a Binky any day. His hands must have more flavoring or something I guess. I try to take them out of his mouth and he grunts at me and gives me a mean glare and sticks his hands right back in his mouth. He is also a little drooler already. I can't imagine what he will be like when he is getting teeth because he already soaks his shirts.

Emily wanted a picture with Colby too but she really just wanted to hit him with the drum sticks so I took them away from her and so she started bawling and refused to smile for the picture. Mean mom I know.

Colby's new favorite thing (besides eating his hands) is to play with toys. He will set under our play gym for about a half hour and just bat at the toys and listen to them jingle. He can entertain himself for quite a while that way. His favorite toy right now is his rattle because he can hold it himself and shake it. One time though he shook it so hard he knocked himself in the head and then just started bawling. Poor thing. The rattle was not a favorite after that. But he still loves it. He is also getting to be a little mover. While he is under his play gym, he will arch his back and kick his legs and eventually turn himself around in a 360. It is so funny to watch. We are in trouble when he really starts moving around.

It takes a real man to play with pink toys, right? I guess that is what he gets for having an older sister and getting hand-me-down toys. Poor kid. But he doesn't seem to mind right now. He might complain when he is a little older but for now he gets pink.

Colby is such a fun baby and is already developing a fun personality. He smiles and grins at us all the time and especially loves talking to Emily. Whenever she plays with him, he smiles and babbles to her and watches her constantly. The other day Emily was playing HI-HO Cherry-O and he was just watching her on my lap then she got bored and ran outside with Russell and as soon as Colby realized she was gone, he started bawling! So I got up and walked him outside to where she was and when he saw her he stopped crying. It was so funny.

Like I said before, Colby likes to eat but recently he went through a lovely nursing strike where he refused to eat for almost 3 days! The only way to get him to eat was to feed him while he was asleep. I started reading up on it and found out that this usually happens when the mother eats something that the baby doesn't agree with. So I have been on a "great" diet of very bland food like plain rice and potatoes, unseasoned chicken and oatmeal. I have cut out all of the usual offending foods like spices, chocolate, citrus, certain vegetables like broccoli, tomatoes, onions, cauliflower, etc, and cows milk or pretty much anything dairy. This leaves your food selection pretty slim. The diet seemed to help immensely and Colby is eating better than he has his whole life. I started adding back dairy a few days ago and thankfully he seems to be doing fine with it so the meal options have opened up a little. One good thing I guess is that I lost the last 5 lbs and am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Oh the joys of nursing but I wouldn't do it any other way. I have also been looking into cloth diapers lately trying to decide if we should switch to save some money but I don't know yet.

Any way it is fun to see Colby grow and am excited for this next fun 3-6 month old stage.

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