Wednesday, February 8, 2012

11 Months and the Park

Colby is now 11 months old! Where has the year gone? He is getting so big and his personality is getting bigger too. Colby loves music and especially the piano. Here are some 11 month old pictures of our little Mozart:
Maybe he will be a prodigy and make us millions! Well right now he just likes to bang the keys. He thinks that is pretty cool. I love how you can see his one little tooth when he smiles. Emily wanted to get in on the picture taking too.

He can't quite stand himself up yet but if we help him stand, he will stand holding onto something for a while. Look how tall he is getting! Now that he can crawl, he is getting into everything! He can now reach the magazines on the end table, the stereo, all of the toys and the other day, he found the pots and pans cupboard. He pulled all of the pots out onto the floor and started banging them together. I gave him a spoon and he went to town drumming away. He thought that was so fun.

Colby is getting so smart too. He can show us where his head is, his ears, and his nose. Emily has also showed him how to "make dinner" by stirring a spoon in a bowl. He also can pretend to eat the "dinner" like she does. He loves playing Peek-A-Boo and will sometimes play it by himself with his blanket. He also loves his baby doll. He gives it hugs and kisses and pats his back and then throws the baby on the ground and laughs. He is so funny. I need to take a picture of Colby loving on his baby soon.

Crawling does have its benefits for us too. We don't have to carry Colby around as much because he prefers to crawl. That is until he gets tired and then he chases me down crying as he goes and wants me to pick him up. It is so cute when he wants to be picked up, he lifts his arms and reaches so high toward us like "pick me up!" Another benefit of crawling is that after crawling and playing all day, Colby is tired at night. He has been doing so much better at sleeping at night. In fact the other night he slept from 10:30 to 5:30!! For Colby that is amazing. Typically he only wakes up once during the night now around 3:30 am which is much better than waking up every two hours like he had been his whole life!
Speaking of sleeping, doesn't every kid have one of these pictures? We caught Colby sleeping on the job in his high chair after eating dinner and we had to snap a picture. Doesn't he look so peaceful?

Colby and Emily both love going to the park even if it is the "park" in our back yard.
They both love the swings and going "Super High!" Emily asks me to push her super high every time she swings. Colby just loves being pushed too. He especially loves it when I grab his legs and tickle them as he is swinging.

A few days ago I took the kids to a new park and had a picnic; they loved it. The park is not actually new but it was new to them. We went to the park that is down the street from the DI near the Station 6 Fire Station. It was a lot of fun and the Fire Fighters were checking off the Fire truck so as an added bonus Emily got to see the fire truck and the fire fighters waved to us. While at the park, we played in the sand and the playground. Emily even built a small castle in the sand:

Now that Colby can get around on his own, he discovered that he loves the park even more. He was so cute crawling through the tubes and going down the slides. He wasn't too sure about the sand at first but he soon learned that it was okay and fun. We had a great time at the park and it was a good break from a long day of being dragged all over town shopping with me. I hate shopping so I try to do it as little as possible. I ideally try to only go about twice a month and this just happened to be one of those days where it seemed like we had to go to every store in town. I was also glad to take a break and have lunch and play at the park.

This next month is going to be busy trying to put together a one-year-old birthday party! I can't believe my baby is almost a year old!

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