Friday, February 17, 2012

Brushing our Teeth

Ever since we took Emily to the dentist a few weeks ago, we have been doing better at brushing her teeth morning and night.
Emily used to hate brushing her teeth but then we decided to let her brush her own teeth. She loves brushing her own teeth and after she is done, she is more willing to let us brush her teeth again (to actually make sure they get brushed!). We also got a little tooth brush for Colby when he got his first tooth. He brushes his tooth with Emily every day.

Colby loves brushing his tooth. Whenever I want him to hold still for a diaper change or to get dressed, I hand him his toothbrush and let him go to town brushing. He also has watched Emily brush her teeth for so long that he knows just what to do. He brushes back and forth and then leans over the sink and makes spitting noises with his mouth like he is spitting toothpaste out! He loves to rinse too.

I hope we are starting our kids off on the right foot with hygiene!

1 comment:

The Nielson Bunch said...

Glad to see you guys taking care of those teeth. Did you know you can also get fluoride drops for Colby? Just ask your peditrican for a prescription. The dentist I used to work for recommends them for kids as soon as they get teeth or turn one. Kaycie also like brushing like Jaydee. I think she just likes eating the toothpaste more than anything, :) Your post reminded to get their appointments set up. Watch for Kaycie's first visit post on our blog coming soon. :)