Sunday, February 12, 2012

Writing Her Name

Emily has been practicing her name for the last little while. She is always spelling it to us. E-M-I-L-Y! She can even identify the letters in her name on other things like the cereal boxes, books, and signs on the road. She tells me "Look an E (or M,I,L,Y whatever she sees)! Like in Emily!" She is also learning to spell Colby's name too. She knows C & O and can identify them as well. We have also been teaching her to write her name. She is doing really well.
We had her practice writing her name on all of her Valentines. After writing it like 30 times, she was getting tired of writing but she was getting her name down. The last few Valentines were pretty sloppy because she had lost interest but some of the first ones turned out good. Here is one of her best ones:
She is really good at all of her letters except the "Y". She tends to write that one backwards or forgets to connect the lines. She is surprisingly good at the "M" which I thought would be the hardest letter. Emily loves making the dot on the "i". I can't believe how smart she is.

My friend, Trista, posted a picture of her little girl writing her name on her blog. When Emily saw her friend, Jaydee, writing her name, she told me she wanted to write her name "just like my friend!" So ever since then, we have been practicing. Thanks for the inspiration and motivation Trista and Jaydee!

1 comment:

The Nielson Bunch said...

Good job Emily...We to made Jaydee write her name on all her valentine's. Good way to make them practice. :)