Monday, April 29, 2013

Life with Three

What can I say about life with three kids? Well, there is never a dull moment and there is definitely never a quiet moment ...EVER!  Ha Ha Ha! But I wouldn't trade these three knot heads for anything!

Don't they look so innocent like they would never to anything wrong?  Yeah right! 

Logan's face in that last picture totally explains how I feel some days!  Some days I just want to pull my hair out and other days I just laugh my head off at some of the things they do and say.  The other day we were playing outside and Colby said the funniest thing.  Our four-wheeler ramps were leaned up against our shed so they looked like a ladder.  Colby decided he was big and started climbing up the ramps.  He had almost got to the top of the 5 foot ramps when I told him to get down.  Without missing a beat, Colby looks and me and says (keep in mind he is only two), "Don't worry, Mom. I'm fine.  Don't worry!"  I couldn't help but laugh out loud.  After I got him down and put the ramps down (because I was worried!), I asked him where he had learned "Don't worry."  It was so funny!  His personality is developing so much.

Emily is loving preschool and learning so much and getting so smart.  A couple weeks ago we learned about seeds and planted bean seeds in plastic bag so we could watch it grow.

And ours grew!!  Well Emily's did.  The one I planted as the demo ended up molding and so I threw it out.  But Emily's grew so fast.  Once the plant started to grow, it seemed like it grew 3 inches every day.  So we transplanted it from the bag to a cup of soil so it could continue to grow.  Emily is so proud of her little plant. 

These three are so fun to have.  They definitely keep me on my toes.  Russell and I did learn that we do not go grocery shopping with all of them though.  I hate grocery shopping so I try to only go once a month.  Because of this, when we go we get a lot of stuff and it takes about 2 hours.  Yeah kids don't last that long especially crammed in a shopping cart full of food!  So needless to say, we only did this once and now I go by myself after the kids have gone to bed.  It is so much easier but I don't really know if the workers at Wal-Mart like it.  By the time I go, all of the shelf stalkers are working so they have to work around me.  They have also closed down all of the cashier lines except the 20 item or less line and I definitely have way more than 20 items.  But oh well, it is better than going with three kids!

I don't really remember how it was without these kids but I don't think I would change anything I have now to go back.  One thing I have decided though is I want to wait a while before having any more.  I don't really feel like our family is finished but I do want to wait a while to have more. 

I love this crazy life!

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