Thursday, April 4, 2013

Two Months

Logan is now 2 months old!  I took him to the doctor for a check up and he weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs 10 oz (94 percentile) and 24 inches tall  (91 percentile) with a head circumference of 16 inches (91 percentile).  The doctor said he is definitely a big boy!  But he sure is a handsome, happy boy too:

Don't you just love his cute little smile, his double chin, and his wild man hair (second picture)!  We did one of these missionary pictures with Colby when we was this age so I wanted to do one with Logan too.  I think they turned out so good.  Won't it be awesome to see this picture side by side with his actual mission picture!  Now the missionary age has been lowered to 18 for boys and 19 for girls!  Is that crazy!  Since Pres. Monson made that announcement last October, the mission calls have sky rocketed! Anyway, back to Logan...  Like I said he is a really happy baby.  He is always smiling at me when I am talking to him.  He will also smile at Emily and Colby when they talk to him.  He likes to look around and see things.  He pretty much sleeps through the night only waking up once or twice to eat usually between 2 and 4 in the morning.  He tries to say "goo" and talk to us when we are talking to him.  One bad thing though is he likes to puke all the time!  We go through at least 2 or 3 burp cloths a day as well as shirts.  One day I gave him a bath, fed him then laid him down to sleep while I took a shower.  After I got dressed, he had woke up so I picked him up and he puked all down my shirt and his shirt!  I said to myself why did I even take a shower it was just a waste of water!  The doctor says this should pass after about 3 months old so we are hoping it does.  Other than that, he is a great baby and really quite content to just eat and sleep and look around.  Logan loves his big sister and brother and loves it when they talk to him.  Colby will come up to Logan and say "Hi, Baby Boy! Hi!" I need to get it on video because the way he says it and his tone of voice is so dang cute.  Emily will sing to him and talk to him all the time.  Emily also loves to hold him.  Now that Logan is a little bigger and can hold his head up better, I let Emily hold him a lot more.  She will sit in the rocking chair with her arm around him for quite a while which gives me a chance to do a few little things around the house.  She is a great helper.  Emily did try to pick Logan up the other day which made me freak out because it scared me so bad.  I felt bad afterward because she told me she was just trying to help because he was crying and I was making dinner.  I told her she wasn't quite big enough to pick Logan up and she still needed mom or dad's help to do that.  Sometimes even I forget that she is only 4 not 14.  

We love having Logan in our family and don't know what we would do without him.  Happy 2 months! 

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