Sunday, December 1, 2013

10 months

Logan is 10 months old and getting bigger and cuter each day!  Just look at that face!
Logan loves being outside and playing with his brother and sister.  He especially loved playing in the leaves:

Logan has learned some new tricks.  In the picture above, he is showing you his nose!  It is so dang cute when he shows you his nose because he wrinkles up his nose and sniffs really loud.  He can also show you his tongue by sticking his long tongue out and saying " ELLL."  Then he will pant like a dog when you ask him what a puppy says.  He also gives kisses and blows kisses all the time.  He likes to blow kisses to Emily and Colby when we put them in bed and tell them good night.  He can also click his tongue soooo loud.  He has really always been able to do this.  Every time he does it, everyone around is like "Wow!"  

Logan is also becoming a lot more mobile!  He is starting to pull himself up to a standing position without being scared:
He is also starting to crawl!!  He still prefers the army crawl and can speed army crawl anywhere but he is starting to actually crawl on his hands and knees a little bit.  So long to the good old days of just setting him on the ground with toys because now he gets around and into everything!!!

We sure love this little boy!

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