Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas at our house was so fun this year.  Our kids are at that age where they are so excited for everything that has to do with Christmas and so excited for every gift they receive.  We started off our Christmas celebrations on Christmas Eve at my parents' house.  We did a little skit we found in the Friend this month.  The skit spelled out Merry Christmas and told the meaning of each letter.

Emily was "M" for manger.  We dressed her up like Mary and her baby like Baby Jesus and she laid Him in the manger.

Colby was "T" for three wise men.  He brought his "treasures" from home to give Baby Jesus.  We also had a crown for him to wear but he wouldn't wear it:

And Logan was just his cute self.  He did not want to hold still.  He is crawling everywhere now and just wanted to play.

After the Christmas Eve dinner/party, we headed home to do some our own traditions.  First, we wrote our letter to Santa and set out the cookies, eggnog, and carrots:

Then we opened our Christmas Eve present, new pajamas!  I made these cute pajamas and I love how they turned out.  The kids loved them too.  Afterward, we headed to bed.

The next morning was Christmas!  The kids amazingly slept in until 8:30!  That never happens but Russell and I were not complaining.  Colby woke up first and we had to tell him to come into our room first instead of the kitchen like he usually does.  He came into our room but it was after he had already sneaked a peek into the front room.  He was so excited, he did not want to wait until we woke up Emily.  Finally everyone was awake and we all went into the front room to see what had happened:

Look at all that good stuff.  These kids must have been good this year.  They loved everything the received too which made it all worth it.
From Santa Emily asked for an Ariel dress/tail to play dress up with and Barbie Lego's.  She also got a couple of new dolls and a scooter.
Colby also got a scooter and loves riding it around.  Colby loves his Thomas the Train set and especially his cowboy chaps.  He was not too sure about the vest because he said cowboys don't wear vests.
Logan's favorite thing about Christmas was his apple!  H also loved the candy.  Logan got some Little People toys, a doll and a book to read.  After opening all the gifts from Santa, Logan was worn out and fell asleep.

After our traditional breakfast of scrambled eggs and cinnamon rolls, it was time to open the presents under the tree.  The looks on Emily and Colby's faces were priceless and made Christmas so fun.  They loved everything they opened.

Emily loved the Barbies she got from her brothers and the beads and necklace kit she got from us.  When Colby opened his Nerf gun from Emily he yelled, "This is just what I wanted!!!"  We all laughed and Emily was so happy too.  Colby also loved his Jake and the Neverland Pirates treasure chest of pirate stuff.  Logan loved to just rip the paper.  He was so funny to watch.  When he opened the present from the Hughes' later that day, he just smiled so big and got all excited and hugged the present.  That reaction it just what Christmas is all about.  From the kids Russell got his favorite things, Peanut Butter M & M's and an Angry Birds game.  From all of us he got a new backpack and school supplies because he will be going back to school in January.  We also got a new computer for him to use for school.  Our laptop is just about on its last leg so I can't wait to get the new computer up and running.  I got some new jewelry from the kids and a new lamp for the front room.  Now I can read my book at night while rocking Logan to sleep and not have to have the main light on.  Russell also got me something I have been wanting for a long time... A picnic table!  This is a way nice 6 foot picnic table from the Lifetime Store that is very sturdy and can fold down so we can take it camping too.  I am so excited.
Russell also made the boys stools for their room.  These stools are like the one he made for Emily before.  The letters in their names come out so it is like a puzzle.  Logan loves it and is always standing up to the stools and taking the letters out.  The stools turned out really nice.

After opening presents we headed out the extended family to see how their Christmas was.  Finally we ended at Grandma Morwood's house for Janet's traditional Taco Soup.  Let me tell you, I have made taco soup a few times but it never seems to turn out as good as Janet's.  I need to get her recipe I guess.  We had a great Christmas this year.  Merry Christmas everyone.

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