Sunday, December 30, 2018

New Year's Eve

Looking back on this year of 2018, I realize that it really has been a good year.  Even though we still have hard days sometimes, looking back we really have had a lot more good times.  This year we were able to accomplish a lot of the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year.  

Russell's goal was to graduate from school with his Bachelor's Degree and he was able to do that by finishing his last class a few weeks ago.  He now has his degree!  Emily's goal was to run a 5K and memorize the Articles of Faith.  She was able to run her first 5K in May as part of the Canyon Colt Leadership Run. I also accomplished one of my goals by running it with her.  Emily also memorized all 13 of the Articles of Faith this summer as part of an Activity Day's summer challenge.  Colby's goals were to improve on his piano and drawing skills.  He was able to write his own song for his end of year recital in Let's Play Music and has started private lessons and progressed as far in 4 months as a typical student does in one year.  He has also improved a lot on his drawings.  Some of the things he draws are very detailed and very good.  He especially loves to draw trucks and other vehicles.  Logan also achieved some of his goals of becoming more physically fit.  He joined the running club with the other kids and can run a mile without stopping.  He and Colby also did very well in soccer and baseball. Charlotte also achieved the goal Russell and I had set for her and is now potty trained!  No more diapers!  Finally I also worked hard on my goals.  I was able to start running again and thankfully have had no drawbacks or health issues.  I average 20 miles a week and hope to do more this next year.  I was also able to finish the Book of Mormon again this year and loved reading and learning more about its teaching and stories.

We also had a lot of fun things happen this year including Tyler and Cassie coming home from their missions, celebrating Grandma Morwood's 100th birthday, seeing Jacee and Stuart get married as well as Josh and Hallie tie the knot.  We also had a great summer full of camping and enjoying the outdoors. We especially loved our big summer trip to Nauvoo and Missouri this year. It was so much fun and we got to see and learn a lot.  Since this trip, I have dove into everything I could read and learn about Church History.  I am truly amazed by the early pioneers.  We have had some great times this year and are looking forward to more amazing times in the year to come.  One adventure we are excited about is our trip to Disneyland!  Which brings us to New Year's Eve. 

On our way to California for our Disneyland Trip, we stopped for New Year's Eve in St. George.  We had a great time with family celebrating the New Year.  Terral put on a great New Year/Christmas party for the whole family.  She called it Pajamas and Pancakes.  We all dressed in our pajamas and had a breakfast feast.  There was so much food (and good food I might add) that I felt so full for like two days afterward.  I could not eat another bite or even look at anymore food.  We also played a lot of fun games like a "Get Ready to go to Walmart" relay, Minute to Win It games, and unwrap the Saran Wrap ball. We also played Bingo all night until finally we all won some prize or we got tired of playing.   Finally at 11:30, we got ready to ring in the New Year and got out the party hats, noise makers, and glow sticks. 

The kids absolutely had a blast being with all of their cousins again.  We were not able to make it down for Christmas but this was even better.

Charlotte and Taylor got along great.  I think Charlotte has a bottomless pit of a stomach when it comes to candy and treats. She can eat and eat and never get sick or full.  There was not a minute that went by that I didn't see her with some kind of cookie or something in her mouth.  I kept telling her to stop because I knew she was going to puke but she never did and she never got sick thankfully.  Anyway the party was so fun and even though we had to get up early the next morning to travel, we didn't want to leave.  As soon as midnight hit and the ball dropped, we all made as much noise as we possibly could with our noisemakers and welcomed 2019 in.  This has been a great year and now we are looking forward to 2019.  Happy New Year!!!

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