Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Festivities...

Christmas time is always full of fun activities and parties. Every year on the Saturday before Christmas, my family gets together for the Morwood Christmas Party. All of my dad's brothers and sisters and their families come from all over Utah and some in Nevada to enjoy Christmas together. At the party we all eat soup, talk, and get a visit from Santa! This year my immediate family was in charge of the entertainment. I am so mad at myself because I forgot to bring my camera. Luckily my mom and dad had theirs and Russell was able get a video of the cute entertainers. First, all of my nieces and nephews got up and danced and sang to "The Reindeer Rap." They all had reindeer antlers on and were so cute. Emily even joined them in the number. I was really surprised because she stayed up on the stage the whole time and danced and clapped right along with all of her cousins. I thought she would have ran back down to me. She knew she was as big as all of the cousins and she had a good time dancing. If I can, I will most the video later because it is so good. Then my nephews, Justin and Jared, and I played some Christmas songs on our bells and my niece, Cassie, played with us on her flute. They did really well considering at the practice the night before they did not really know the songs at all. Then it was time for Santa! Emily did not do as well with Santa this time. She started screaming the moment she was put on his lap. But she did like getting a present though.
Emily in her new jammies playing with her new magna-doodle from Santa. She loves playing with her magna-doodle and it is a great church toy!
Then on Christmas Eve, we went over to Russell's parents had a lot of fun getting ready for Christmas dinner. Russell's sister, Jennifer, and family was down visiting from Laramie, WY. When we arrived, Jen and I started baking up a bunch of holiday goodies. We made chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin cookies, and a pumpkin roll. Thanks to my Bosch mixer, making all these things was a lot faster and easier than hand mixing. We also made sugar cookie dough but we put the dough in the fridge to cool and kind of forgot about it (oops!). Needless to say everything we made was very delicious!!!!

Here we are slaving away in the kitchen!

Here are the three Farnsworth cousins: Emily, Alex, and Paul in their new Christmas jammies from Grandma. Emily likes playing with cousins but does not like to share toys with them. Any time Alex (who is two weeks older than her) would pick up a toy, Emily take it from him and say. "MINE!" She is usually pretty good at sharing but I think she was use to being the only kid around Grandma and Grandpa Farnsworth so she thought all of their toys were hers.

Here she is being silly and showing off. Saying "Eww niney" (Eww stinky) and plugging her nose.

This picture doesn't really have anything to do with Christmas but I had to put it in because every kid has a picture like this... and now Emily does too!

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