Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mommy and Daddy's Big Helper

Emily is getting so big and this age is so fun because she tries to do everything we do. She is so observant and she remembers everything. We are teaching her a few things in sign language like treat, more, drink, eat, please, and thank you. She has picked the sign language up really well, especially treat! When we don't know what she wants, she will point to it and say "uhh uhh!" I think her favorite word right now might be "no." She says no whenever we ask her a question. If the answer is yes she will say "No." while tilting her head to the side. Then if the answer in no she says "Noooooo!!!!" while being mad.
Emily also loves helping her mom and dad. Even though sometimes we don't want her to especially when I am folding laundry and she is unfolding (helping) faster than I can fold. Here are a few pictures of her being very helpful:
Emily is helping by mopping the floor with a wash rag she saw hanging over the edge of the counter. She reached up and got the wash rag down all by herself.

And we can't forget the dishes! Every time I open the dishwasher, whether to load or unload, she has to help with the silverware. The only bad thing about that is she likes the knives the best.

Here she is helping put the laundry bins back in our rooms.

Russell's parents found this wooden toy chest at a garage sale so Russell is refinishing it for Emily's Christmas present. Emily was watching him paint the stain and varnish on the chest and she wanted to help so she grabbed a paint brush that was laying on the ground and started painting. Unfortunately, the brush had purple paint on it from when Russell painted her name on the chest so Russell had to re sand the places Emily "helped" with. He wasn't very happy at first but then he laughed about it.

Emily loves brushing her 6 little teeth. Every time she sees her toothbrush she points to it and says "tees, tees" (teeth). I think she mostly likes eating the toothpaste but we figure it is a good habit to get into. She lets me brush her teeth but she would much rather do it herself because it makes her feel big.

And this is her new trick! She can pull herself up on the stair railing! Isn't she big!!! She will run to the railing, pull herself put then jump down and laugh then do it all over again. She thinks she is so funny.
My favorite thing Emily does now is she wrestles us. We tell her to put up her dukes and she puts arms up and makes fists with her hands. Then she walks over to us with her fists up and pushed us down and laughs so hard. It is the funnest game we play.
I love this age. Emily is so fun and I cannot imagine my life without her or Russell!

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