Tuesday, December 1, 2009

O Christmas Tree!

It is officially Christmas time!! The day after Thanksgiving, we started putting up our Christmas decorations. Here we are setting up our tree. I would have much rather gotten a real tree but the fake tree is a little more convenient and less messy, however I do miss the fresh pine smell.
The tree before the lights and ornament's.

Russell had too much fun decorating. He even decorated Emily in tinsel. She wasn't too sure about that.

Dad helping Emily hang up her own ornament.

Emily quickly picked up on the idea of hanging ornaments. After I put the hooks on the ornaments, she would take them from me and walk over to the tree and act like she was putting the ornaments on the tree and then hand them to Russell to have him actually hang them up. It was so cute to watch.

Our beautiful Christmas tree all decorated, and our beautiful family. Our tree looks kind of funny because we had to put all of our ornaments up high so that Emily couldn't reach them and take them off. She is funny, she knows that she isn't suppose to touch the tree so she will walk by it and say "NO NO NO!" and then touch it anyway. What a smart-alic. But what can I say, she is too cute. Merry Christmas everyone!

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