Monday, August 15, 2011

5 months

Colby just turned 5 months old! Where is the time going? He is the cutest thing ever and I love his little grins and his deep voice. According to our bathroom scales he weighs 20 pounds. Here is our little slugger:

Colby is growing and learning new things everyday. He loves his sister and loves looking at her and laughing. He is currently learning to roll over. He can roll from his belly to his back and today for the first time he rolled from his back to belly without help. When he did it he looked up at me and smiled the biggest grin like he was saying "I did it mom!" He did it a few more times today but the second I got out the video camera to record it, he acted like he had never rolled in his life. I finally did get it on tape though.

Colby is getting to be a really good sitter too! He can sit for quite a while before he gets bored. He loves toys that make noise. He also loves his toy keys. His newly found body part is his feet and toes and loves pulling on them. He hasn't quite started sucking on his toes yet but I am sure that is coming soon. The one thing he does like to suck on though is his thumb! I hate that and being the mean mom that I am, every time I see that thumb in his mouth, I take it out. He gets mad at me every time but I will not have a thumb sucker! Other than that he is the perfect baby!

We are also starting Colby on solid food but so far he has not been a fan. Here he is eating his first Graham cracker. He wasn't too sure about it but it was something to put in his mouth. I took it away after the first few chomps because I was afraid he would choke.

Here we are introducing Bananas. Yeah not a hit. You would have thought we were feeding him garbage by the way he gagged and spit and shuttered. The twisted faces were priceless and quite hilarious. He has had the same reaction to the other things we have tried like Applesauce and Pears. He does like Rice cereal finally though. He looks forward to it every morning and eats his whole bowl. I guess we will have to keep trying the other baby foods so he can get to like them too.

He does like the Johnny Jump especially if someone is there bouncing him. He hasn't quite figured out how to make it bounce himself but that will come with time. For now he just laughs and smiles as we bounce him.

Emily wanted to have a sleep over the other night so we put Colby in her bed. They were both in seventh heaven.

Colby loves grabbing for anything he can reach especially hair! Changing his diaper is getting harder too because he wiggles all over the place and tries to reach for everything like the wipes, lotion, and even the towel.

I love getting slobbery kisses from him. When I put my face close to his, he grabs my ears and pulls my in for a big wet one on the nose. He also gives my tight squeezes when I pick him up. I love being a mom.

1 comment:

The Nielson Bunch said...

What a cutie!! I love reading all your new post. What a fun busy life you guys have. Keep on posting!!