Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Colby's First Steps!!!

Colby is WALKING!!!  He has been cruising around the furniture for a little while now and will walk if we hold his hands so we knew he was getting close.  Russell and I started having him try and walk to each of us as we sat on the floor.  Then over the weekend, he started getting brave and would stand up by the couch and then let go and take one step before falling!  We were so excited!  While I was at work on Monday, Russell called me up and said that Colby had walked across the living room all by himself.  Colby had climbed up onto Emily's little rocking chair and then slid off and ran across the room until he fell.  Then he looked at Russell and laughed.  The silly boy!  That is how he walks; he runs to get as far as he can until he falls.  Here are a few videos of his first steps.
I love how he walks with is tongue out or mouth open and his arms straight in the air for balance.  He still prefers to crawl because he can get around much faster but he will walk if we stand him up or if he pulls himself up on some furniture.  He is still wobbly but is getting much better.  

Emily is so funny.  Russell and I were cheering for Colby as he was walking and I think Emily was feeling left out because she told us to watch her.  Mimicking Colby, she walked from Russell to me as wobbly as she could with her arms in the air for balance.  We couldn't help but laugh and cheer for her as well!  She likes cheering for Colby whenever he walks too.  Anytime Colby walks she yells to me "Mom, Colby is walking!!"

Good Job, Colby! Walking at 13 months old!

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