Sunday, June 23, 2013

Morwood Reunion

June 20-22 was our annual Morwood Reunion on Fish Lake.  I love camping in Fish Lake; it is the best place ever.  Before we could go camping, we needed to get Colby a new 4-wheeling helmet so that he could ride on the 4-wheeler while we were camping.
He loves his helmet and anytime he wants to ride he tells us "I need my helmet!"  Colby loves riding the four-wheeler.

We left for Fish Lake Wednesday (19th) night around 9:00.  We wanted to drive while it was cooler and we also wanted to get out of town quicker so that we could get on the mountain first and get the best spot!  We drove to the bottom of the hill at the Fish Lake turn and camped for the night in the gravel pit.  Definitely a tradition in my family!  We were so tired we fell right to sleep.  The next morning, we woke up, had breakfast, and travelled the rest of the way up the hill to Fish Lake.  We camp along Seven Mile this year.  We weren't the first ones on the mountain but we did get a really good spot.  The first camp we came to we notice Roy, Jared and Jacob were camped there.  We pulled up by them and tried to find a spot.  Then we noticed that my grandma and Uncle Rick were camped a couple spots down from Roy.  Since that was where most of the reunion activities would be, we decided to move closer to them.  The campsite next to my grandma was empty and big enough for my parents and the Hughes' when they came up so we decided to camp there instead.  We found a really nice spot in the shade that was relatively flat considering we were camped on Seven Mile and nothing is flat there.  After getting parked and set up, we just chilled and relaxed the rest of the day.

Later that day, Clint arrived.  While we were talking to him, he got the wild hair to pull a huge fallen tree out of the middle of the camp with his truck. He and Russell hooked up a chain to his truck hitch and the tree trunk and away he when pulling the tree.  With little effort, the D-Max pulled the huge tree out of the camp and made way for my parents and the Hughes' to get their trailers in.  My parents came up shortly after that.  They brought Becca up with them.

Another reason why we came up early was so we could go to the Manti Pageant.  At around 4:30 we headed to Manti to see the opening night of the pageant.  Becca wanted to go with us and I am glad she did because we needed her help with the kids and blankets.  Thanks Becca!

We got to Manti around 6:00.  The pageant didn't start until 9:30 so we had some time to kill.  We ate dinner, and played Go Fish and Speed.  We also had fun watching Logan learn to rollover. It was easy to rollover when he was going downhill.

While we were waiting, we saw the YM and YW from our ward.  They were up there for Youth Conference.  We talked to them for a little while.  Then Becca, Emily and I went to find some Popsicles but came back with snow cones instead.  They were good until the sun went down because then it got cold!

The pageant was awesome as always.  My favorite part was the part that depicted the Savior visiting the Americas.  You could totally feel the Spirit.  Emily's favorite part was the pretty costumes and the dancing Lamanite girls.  We loved the pageant.  We didn't get back to camp until about 1:30 am so we were tired.

We slept in the next morning then decided to go fishing at Gate's Lake that afternoon.

It was a good day of fishing because we didn't catch anything!  The kids got tired of fishing after a while so they went exploring for big sticks.  After they had found a few they threw them into the lake.  Russell also got tired of fishing with power bait and not catching anything so he took the kids and Becca to go dig for worms. Emily is such a little girl. She loves anything princess, pink, and pretty.  But she also loves digging for and holding worms!  Here she is showing off the worms they found in the mud and under cow pies!  Yummy!  The worms kept Emily and Colby entertained for bit while Russell and Clint fished.  Well we still had no luck and it was getting to be dinnertime so we headed back to camp.  Russell took Emily and Colby on the four-wheeler while I drove the truck with Logan.  Four-wheelers are the best rocking chairs.  Colby was asleep before they even got up the hill so Russell flagged me down and put Colby in the truck with me.  Emily had a blast riding with Dad.
After eating dinner, we headed over to my  Uncle Rick's family's camp for Cobbler.  Here are Colby and Emily eating cobbler with my cousin Cami's kids and Jack.  Don't they all look so clean!  You gotta love black mountain dirt!  The cobbler was really good.  The Rick Morwood family made peach, apple, and cherry cobblers for the whole clan.  It was fun to get together and chat and catch up after not seeing everyone for a while.  
Saturday we also spent fishing.  This time we went to Mill Meadow and once again it was a good fishing day where we didn't catch anything.  Colby had a blast casting and reeling in his new fishing pole.  Emily had fun sitting in the shade of her chair canopy.  While we were fishing Clifford ran off and wouldn't come back so I went to find him.  He had found someones leftover food and was eating it.  I told him to get back there and took him back to where we were.  Russell had him lay down by us.  Then Emily reached her hand down to pet Clifford and he flipped out and growled and bit her!  Russell was so mad I thought he was going to kill the dog.  Emily was freaking out too but I don't blame her.  Luckily she had a sweatshirt on so the bite didn't break the skin.  After that we packed up and went back to camp.  We were all really mad. While we were back at camp, Clint was petting Clifford and then stopped for a minute then when he went back to pet him, Clifford growled and snapped at him too.  We decided we needed to do something about out dog because he was no longer safe to be around.  

We needed to head home so that we could make it to church on Sunday so we started packing up.  When we were packed we went over and had Taco Soup and ice cream with the family.   After dinner we hooked on and tried to pull our trailer out.  Then we realized we park right under a low tree so we had to maneuver the trailer back and forth a million times to get out from under and out of the trees.  After about an hour of my dad, Clint, and Klint Hughes guiding Russell, they finally got the trailer out.  I have learned that at times like this it is better for me to just go somewhere else because I freak out at the littlest things and it makes Russell even more nervous so I just let the guys take care of it.  

In a way it was a good thing it took us so long to get out because it put us in the perfect opportunity to see something awesome.  Every time we go to Fish Lake, we search for the moose. I have seen them a couple times but Russell never has.  This year was different.  On our way home, we drove up the hill near Johnson Reservoir an saw something big and black at the top of the hill. We thought "What is that?"  When we got to the top, there in the marsh near Frying Pan campground was the big bull moose!
It was so awesome!!!  We sat on the side of the road and watched it for a while.  The moose was so big and we couldn't believe how dark it was.  Emily said it was like the moose on Brother Bear!  We were glad we had gotten delayed a bit so that we could see the moose.  This made our day and we were smiling the rest of the way home.  

We had a great time at the reunion and camping.  

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