Thursday, March 10, 2011

Colby Elwood Farnsworth

Please welcome Colby Elwood Farnsworth as the newest member of our family! Colby was born on March 4, 2011 at 6:34 pm weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20.5 inches long. He is so cute and I love all of the black hair on his head and his little cleft chin.
That morning, Russell and I waited for Labor and Delivery to call us to tell us to come in and be induced and finally at 9:45 they called. After dropping Emily off at Russell's parents', we headed to the hospital. By 11:30 they had me all hooked up to the monitors and IV's and had the pitocin going. When I arrived at the hospital though I had started to have contractions on my own so they just used a low dose of pitocin to keep the contractions going. Here is my before picture... Russell and I passed the time by playing card games and watching CMT but the first 4 hours seemed to last forever. When I went in, I was dilated to a 2 by 3:00 I had only progressed to a 3! I thought to myself if I keep this pace, I am going to be here forever!!! The next 3 hours went by much more quickly thank goodness. My doctor came in around 1:00 to check me and break my water and said we would probably have a baby around 6:00. We said okay hopefully you are right. By 4 or 5 o'clock the contractions had started coming even harder and I just tried to breathe through and focus on something else. The nurse we had was really great. She was really supportive and didn't harp at me to breathe all the time like the nurses I had with Emily. This nurse even came in and helped me through the contractions by pushing on the pressure points in my knees. She even tried to show Russell how to do it. She knew I didn't want an Epidural so she helped me find other ways to deal with the pain and never once told me I needed an epidural like the nurses did with Emily. At 6:00, Dr. Astle came up to check on me again after he was done at his clinic. He said there wasn't much more time so he would just wait around for a minute until we were ready. Then the nurses got everything set out and ready for the baby. Then it was time for shift changes for the nurses so our great nurse, Marsha, went home and our friend, Talia, became our new nurse. To tell you the truth, before this time I didn't really want Talia to be our nurse just because I didn't want her to see me like that because she was our friend but I was actually relieved to she her walk into our room and tell us she was our nurse. She was great too. By this time, the contractions were really hard and I felt like I needed to push so they called the doctor back in and he said it was time to have the baby. On my first push, the doctor realized the cord was wrapped around Colby's neck because his heart rate went way down. Dr. Astle told me we had to get the baby out on the next push or we would have to use the vacuum suction. In the midst of the pain I thought to myself "Get him out on the next push...Don't I get a couple of tries first!" Well I tried to push harder but I couldn't do it so the doctor had to use the vacuum and on the next push we had the head out and the doctor whipped the cord off of his neck and my mom said get that baby out he has a lot of hair! By the fourth push Colby was born and the doctor set this big beautiful baby boy on my chest as Russell cut the cord. I was so happy and relieved and a whole lot of emotions all mixed into one. I could not believe how big he looked. My mom and Russell both thought that he was at least and 8 pounder and he turned out to be pretty close at 7 lbs 13 oz.
Here is that cute baby with the proud Daddy and grandmas just minutes after being born. I could not believe how awake he was for just being born. He had his eyes open and was looking around from the time he was born until we got into our room on the mom and baby floor.
Here is my after picture and all of Colby's stats. I definitely look a lot better this time around than I did with Emily. I actually have some color in my face this time. I looked like death after having Emily. I can actually say this labor was a lot more...I don't know if enjoyable is the right word but it was definitely easier that my first. I actually was aware of what was going on and not so drugged up and tired. Also I feel like I had better nurses that honored my wishes and understood what I was going through. I also felt bad because the nurse we had through the whole thing went home 15 minutes before Colby was born. She called our room the next day from her house to see how we were doing and we told her she should have stuck around for a few more minutes. I thought that was really cool of her to call from her house to check on us.
Here is Colby during and after his first bath. He was not too sure about the bath and pretty much screamed the whole time which was actually good for his lungs because he didn't really cry when he was born until the baby nurse rubbed him down and got him going. He did like getting his hair washed though. He calmed right down when he heard the water running and the nurse started rubbing his head. Isn't he the cutest baby ever! Don't you love all of his hair and the cute little dimpled chin! After looking at these pictures, he was a fat little newborn. Russell branded him well because he looks just like a Farnsworth! In fact when I first looked at him, I thought he looked just like Russell's little brother. Colby is also really hairy! He has a lot of little black hairs all over his back and shoulders. I think it is really cute, Russell thinks Colby is doomed from the beginning to be hairy!
How did we finally decide on Colby instead of Apple? Well we had been throwing around that name as well as some others but I was always leaning more toward Colby than the others. Then when we saw him, the other names just didn't fit. We talked about his name in the L & D room for awhile before finally deciding. I think the name just fits and now he has the same initials as Russell's grandpa.
We knew Emily couldn't come see Colby at the hospital because of RSV season but we kind of bent the rules a little bit so she could see her brother. We had Russell's sister bring Emily and met us in the hallway on our way to our room on Mom & Baby. Emily liked seeing her brother but I think she was more excited to see us. Then she was really shocked to see us go one way into the hospital room and her go the other way out the door. I think she thought we would all just go home together. Poor little thing would have to wait another 5 days to finally go home with her mom and baby brother. She did have fun at Grandma's but I think she was wanting to go home. Thank you to all that helped out with watching Emily and praying for us while we were in the hospital.

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