Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tyler's Eagle Scout Project

Russell's brother, Tyler has been working really hard toward getting his Eagle Scout Award and we finally finished his project today. Along with a group of Tyler's friends, Russell and his dad and even Emily helped Tyler complete his project of preparing the peach orchard at the Jacob Hamblin home in Santa Clara.
They cleared away the sod from around all of the trees creating 2 foot rings around the trees. This will help the trees "breathe" and allow them to dry out after the grass is watered. This will aid in more productive peach growth. The orchard at the Jacob Hamblin home will now be part of the church orchards and the peaches will go to the Bishop's Storehouse.
After cutting away the sod, they rolled the sod onto the roof of the bathrooms for more covering and insulation and to give the bathrooms a more authentic look.
After cutting away all of the grass, the grounds and trees needed to raked clean and all of the debris needed to be hauled away. All of the boys helped each other and the work went quickly. While everyone worked, Emily, Colby and I took a tour of the Jacob Hamblin home. The last time I had been there, I was in Kindergarten. Emily liked looking at all of the things in the house especially the doll in the cradle. Then after the tour, Emily got a huge map of all the trails Jacob Hamblin rode on. She carried it around proudly until we got back down to where the boys were working then she wanted to help them. Russell had brought her little toy rake and shovel from our house and she had a blast shovelling and raking alongside all the boys. She loves playing in the dirt and has recently been helping Russell get our back yard ready for landscaping.
After a day of hard work, we celebrated the completion of Tyler's Eagle Project with pizzas and cold drinks. The boys were so hungry from working, the 5 pizzas didn't last long. Tyler is glad to have his Eagle Project done and all of his hard work has paid off. He will receive his Eagle sometime next month. Good Job Tyler for getting your Eagle when you are 14!

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