Friday, March 25, 2011

Life as a 3-Week-Old

This is Colby's life as a 3-week-old:

Sleeping, sleeping, and more sleeping... oh yeah, throw in a few feedings during the day and don't forget the diaper changes. What a life!

Actually Colby has been through a lot in his first 3 weeks of life. He has had IV's, chest x-rays, feeding tubes, about a thousand heel pokes and blood tests, and all of that was just the first week. The second week of life was a little better. He was able to come home and get settled into his new home and get used to being loved on all the time by an adoring big sister. Yeah life was pretty good for the second week until the 2-week doctor appointment on Monday... Then life was hard again. I made Russell come with me to this appointment. During this appointment, Colby was circumcised. This had to be the worst thing to watch your baby go through. The whole 4 days in the NICU were nothing compared to this 10-15 minute procedure. I hope I don't have to go through it again and I wasn't even the one under the knife! Russell and I felt so bad during the whole thing because we knew it was because of our decision that our son had to go through this. Russell and I were both bawling through the whole thing as we tried to calm our screaming baby. Needless to say Colby was in a lot of pain despite the anesthesia used to numb the area. The poor little thing even tried to defend himself the only way he knew how... He peed on the the doctor 3 or 4 times but to no avail, the procedure continued. I couldn't watch so I don't know what all happened but it was not pretty. After the torture was over, Colby was so exhausted he just curled up in my arms and fell asleep. Then to top it off, the doctor wanted another biliruben test and the PKU screening done. We took our baby to the lab to get these tests done and Colby didn't even flinch when they poked his heel. I guess that was not as big of a deal as the previous procedure! As hard as that procedure was to watch as parents, Russell and I have decided we will do it for all of our boys. We just feel it is more healthy and better to do it now as babies than when they are older and required to for health reasons. (Sorry sons, you have no choice.)

So week 3 has been a recovery week and we shouldn't have anymore painful situations. Hopefully just smooth sailing until the 2 month mark when we get shots.

Colby is definitely a growing boy. He has already gained 2 pound since he was born so as of Monday the 21st (his 2 week appointment) he weighed a whopping 9 lbs 12 oz! I am glad he is growing and doing well but I am also worried that if he keeps up this rate, he will be too big for his blessing outfit by the time his blessing day comes around on April 10! Well I guess he will just have to squeeze into it when the time comes.

Yes he is doing much better and as you can see gave his first camera smile today! Isn't he the cutest! Happy 3-week-birthday Colby!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

What a cute little guy! I love the pictures you have taken! I'm glad he is home and doing well.