Monday, March 14, 2011

Finally Coming Home

We finally made it home and Emily was so excited to see us. When we picked her up at Russell's parents' her eyes just lit up when she saw us. She knew we were finally going home all together!
The first thing she wanted to do when we got home was hold her brother. She doesn't call him Baby Apple like I thought she would. She actually calls him be his name, Colby, or she just calls him Brother. In fact when any one asks her if his name is Baby Apple she says "No, Baby Colby!" or if she is talking to someone she will say "His name's Brother." It is so cute. She doesn't quite understand that he is too little to play with her and her toys yet. In fact sometimes I will find her trying to feed him her play food or she will throw a stuffed animal at him. We have to keep reminding her that he is just little and she has to be soft.

Emily is also very motherly. She saw the spot where the IV had been in his hand and she ran and got him a band-aid because she thought he needed one. Then when I told her he needed to eat she ran and got him a piece of chicken out of her kitchen. When he cries she tells me about it or, against my wishes, tries to put the pacifier in his mouth. I have to keep a close eye on her sometimes!
The first night we were home, Russell went to change Colby's diaper and he was blasted with his son's fountain of youth! In other words, Colby peed all over him! It was so dang funny that I am laughing out loud as I write this! I have since also been peed on too but I think it is great that Russell got the first shot! HA HA HA!!! So after that, we gave Colby his first bath at home:
Emily wanted to help and kept turning the water on and off. It had been so long since I gave a baby a bath I forgot how to do it! So this was an interesting time for all of us. Colby bawled the whole time. Don't worry I have gotten better and Colby doesn't cry anymore, I actually think he likes baths.

Here we are all nice and clean ready for bed in our own home. As you can see we have been a little sleep deprived and Russell looks a little stoned in that picture. Emily loves giving Colby kisses and Colby loves being wrapped up tight in his blanket before bed. I am glad to finally be home and get back to our new normal life.

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