Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Parties

We have had a weekend full of Christmas parties!  The first party we went to was our annual Terry Morwood Christmas Party.  We had this party at Terral's house this year and it was a lot of fun.  First we had dinner and dessert.  Then we made a few crafts.  The adults made "Sparkle Balls." They are like disco balls made out of clear plastic Solo cups and Christmas Lights.  They were really easy to make and they look really cool when they are lit up. 
Finally it was time for the highlight, The White Elephant gift exchange!  This is always fun because we love seeing what everyone else gets.  It is also a bummer sometimes because there always seems to be an argument on whether or not something has been traded too many times.  For some reason it always seems to be the same person that starts the argument too.  Huh I hope we can solve this situation soon because I like this part of the party.  Any way back to the gifts.  We came home will some pretty good gifts.  Russell got the "Christmas for a Dollar" movie along with $4.  I love this movie it is really good.  Colby got a little monster truck car that he drove around the rest of the night.  I got some bubbles, candy, and little purple Cars car that Emily claimed as soon as she saw it.  Emily got what she thought was the best gift of all, Reindeer Antlers for our car!  She even made us put them on the windows before we could go home!  So we are driving around a reindeer car.  Aren't we so festive?! I should have taken a picture of it. We have turned into those people we make fun of all because of our children. 
And who got my totally awesome Christmas PJ's of half naked men?  Well the funny thing is that Cassie brought one of her friends to the party and she is the one that ended up with them!!  Originally Jared had the box with the PJ's in it (which would have been just fine), then when it was her turn, Cassie's friend traded him without knowing what was in the box.  I tried so hard to keep a straight face as she traded and then opened the box.  When she revealed the pj's her whole face went red and we all just started busting up laughing!!!  She later wrote on Facebook that this was the strangest yet funniest gift she had every received.  At the end, Russell offered to trade her back so that she would have a better present but she said she was going to give them to her dad for Christmas and she thought they were so funny.  I didn't really think I made the pj's as big as I did but as you can see from the above picture, both Cassie and her friend fit inside them together.  This was still the funniest gift of the night.  I am still laughing about it!

The next day, we had the big Morwood family Christmas party with all of my dad's family. There are so many people that we have to hold this party at the Santa Clara Elementary where my Aunt Janet works.   
After eating our traditional soup pot luck dinner, we played a few Minute to Win It games.  These are always really funny to watch and also fun to participate in. 

While the games were going on, Emily gathered all of her "new" cousins around and played Duck Duck Goose and Ring Around the Rosies.  She loves finding out she has more cousins and friends to play with and she seems to make friends so easily.
While they were waiting for the Nativity play to begin, Emily, Colby and all of the little cousins were practicing there part in the play.  They were the sheep.  They were crawling around on the stage saying "Baa Baa!" and acting just like sheep.  It was so funny to watch.

But when the play actually happened, Emily decided she wanted to be an angel instead:

This Nativity play gets better every year!  These kids are so dang cute and they don't really know what is going on only that they want to be out on stage dressed up.  Braxton was even tying Brielle's shoes during the play this year.  But I guess that is what a Shepard does, he takes care of his sheep even if that means tying her shoes!  
Finally it was time for SANTA!!  This was always the highlight of the party for me when I was a kid and I know it is definitely what all of these younger cousins and my kids look forward to as well.  Look at that big bag of toys Santa has brought to give out!

Colby and Emily were so different in there reactions to Santa this year.  Colby is so funny, he was more interested in the cookie he was eating than even caring about Santa or the present he was getting.  He just sat on Santa's lap and chewed his cookie until Russell finally picked him back up to take him off the stage.  Emily on the other hand was so excited to see Santa!  The last few years she has cried when she saw Santa but not this year.  She thought she was so big she didn't even want us to take her up to him, she wanted to do it by herself.  She walked right up there and sat on Santa's lap and got her present.  She was so excited but you could tell she was secretly a little nervous too.  What a big girl she is getting to be.
And here these two crazy kids are showing off what Santa brought them.  They got a Mr and Mrs Potato Head along with some new pajamas too.  They have had fun playing with these toys.  Colby calls his Woody because he knows Mr. Potato Head is on Toy Story and that is one of his favorite movies.

We have had fun at our Christmas parties this weekend.  Now it is time for Christmas!

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