Wednesday, December 26, 2012


We had our first snow day in St. George this year today.  Okay actually our second but the first one happened at night and just left a few skiffs on the grass in the morning.  This time it was snowing during the day so we actually got to see it. 

Emily and Colby ran outside to dance in the snow as it fell.  Emily tried to catch a snowflake in her mouth.  Colby thought we were all crazy and went back in the house when he realized he was getting wet and cold.  Unfortunately none of the snowflakes stuck to the ground, they just made everything wet.  Emily was excited for the snow and said it was Christmas again!  I am glad we live in a place that doesn't snow a lot.  I can handle these fun little flurries but I don't know if I could handle constant snow and cold.

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