Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas this year, well for the most part.  We did have one little catastrophe but more on that later.  We started our Christmas festivities with a Christmas Eve dinner at my parent's house.  We all met and had soup and enjoyed each other's company.  Then my mom gave a great lesson on Jesus Christ and reminded all of us that He is the reason for this Christmas season.  I know sometimes we forget about that. 

After the dinner, we headed home to do some of our own traditions.  First, we each get to open one present.

And it is our new Christmas pajamas.  Emily loves nightgowns and calls them her dancing dresses so instead of pajama pants, I made her this warm nightgown.  She loves it.  I also made Colby these doggie pants he likes them too except they are a little too long so they cover his feet.  Colby is very OCD about his feet and he flips out if he can't see them or if his pants are too long and go under his feet.  So we have to roll them up a bit.  I just bought mine and Russell's pants. 
Dressed in our new pj's we were ready to write our letter to Santa and set out some egg nog and cookies.  This is Emily's favorite part.  She told Santa she wanted a Barbie and a dress for her Barbie.  Emily decided Colby wanted to ask Santa for a car which he said was okay.  Then it was off to bed so Santa could come.

The next morning it was really hard to wake up.

Why is it that when you want your kids to sleep in they wake up at 7:30 am but when you want them to get up early so you can either go to church or school or Christmas morning, they want to sleep forever!  It never fails to happen this way.  We finally decided to wake our kids up so we could get on with our Christmas festivities and they were not very happy about it as you can see.  But look at all the fun stuff we got for Christmas:

Colby was really shocked that the cookies and egg nog were gone.  He pointed right at the plate and cup and said "Gone!"  Each of them couldn't wait to see all of the fun toys they received.
Emily got a new bike, an Ariel doll and doll bed, of course some Barbies and new books and outfits.  She loved everything.
Colby got some guns (his favorite things), a stick horse, a lot of toy cars, a fun car race track, new books and outfits.  We also got a new red wagon for the family.  We plan on using this as part of our 72 hour kit.  We can either haul our 72 hour kits, food, or even kids in it if for some reason we have to pack up and get out in case of an emergency.  Colby also loved everything.
After enjoying our Santa gifts, it was time for our traditional Christmas breakfast of scrambled eggs, cinnamon rolls, and egg nog. Yum.
When we had finished eating breakfast, we all got dressed and ready for the day.  Then it was time to open the presents under the tree.

As you can see we all got a lot of fun things and had a good time opening our presents.  Emily got a new quilt for her bed, more Barbies, and a new backpack for school.  Colby got a Thomas the Train, some tools, and clothes.  I got some lotion, a new watch,a foot massager, and a new camera. And Russell got a new watch, wallet, book and flashlight for his turnouts.  Of course we cannot forget Clifford:

Clifford got this huge 2 foot long bone for Christmas.  He thought it was the coolest thing ever!
With all of the presents opened, it was time to play before heading over to our family.  And that is when tragedy struck!  We decided to go over to Grandma's house to wish her a Merry Christmas.  Emily wanted to show Grandma her new bike so she got on and rode it over there.  She was doing so good on her bike for only riding it for the first time.  She rode from our house to Grandma's and then up and down Grandma's driveway showing off her skills.  Then it happened, she got going too fast down the driveway, turned the corner and fell off the curb with a crash!  She was riding so good that we didn't think she needed us by her so when she crashed we were too far away to catch her before she fell.  She landed on her arm and was not very happy after that.  She wouldn't even get back on her bike and complained that her arm hurt really bad.  Russell felt it and we decided she just hurt it in the fall and she would be fine.  We went home and had her lay down until we went to cousin's houses because she was so upset.  After a while we headed over to the Hughes'  to give them their presents and then over to my parents' house.
My mom gave each of the granddaughters a homemade set of Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls that she made.  They are so awesome.  Colby got a book and a new Toy Story shirt that he absolutely loves!  As soon as he opened the present, he said "Woody!" and told me to put it on him.  He even started taking off the shirt he had on by himself so I could put this new Woody shirt on him.  As we hung out over there for the day, we noticed that Emily was still babying her arm, complaining it hurt, and looking quite sad all day.  Finally at about 6:00 pm we decided we better take her to the ER to get an x-ray in case her arm really was broken.  When we got to the ER, we notice it was slammed with patients and we realized we might be there forever.  Luckily though when we checked in the registration lady told Russell we didn't need to wait and to just go talk to the doctor and get in.  Russell said he didn't want to butt in front of all these people but the lady told him that was one of the perks of working there so just do it.  Russell went and talked to the doctor and he just wrote a prescription for an outpatient x-ray instead of an ER visit (which saved us both time and money!)  Then we walked back to the x-ray room and got an x-ray of Emily's arm.  This was the result:
Yep. A small buckle fracture in her left wrist.  She had indeed broken her arm on Christmas while riding her new bike from Santa!  The poor little thing.  What a way to spend Christmas but with a broken arm.  Luckily though, this was only a small break and the doctor said she would heal up fine within 2 to 3 weeks.  He had the tech put on a soft cast and wrap it up and told us that with this type and size of break she didn't need a hard cast and that this soft cast would be fine.  So this happy girl on her new bike went from this:

To this sad little girl with a broken arm on Christmas.  She wouldn't even look at the camera for me to take a picture of her and her arm.
What a sad little thing.  She did say that her arm felt better in the wrap and sling though.  The other sad thing about it is Emily will not even look at or talk about her new bike anymore.  She was so excited to get it and ride it but not anymore.  Hopefully she will be excited about it again once her arm heals.  Colby was very sympathetic too and kept saying "Sorry Sissy."  So now she has only one arm and I am glad it was her left arm instead of her right because she can still color and write which is what she loves to do.  The hard part is keeping her arm in the sling as she plays.  We have to keep adjusting it and putting her arm back in it.  She is funny though and has used this broken arm thing to her advantage.  If she doesn't want to do something like clean up her toys she tells us she can't do it because she only has one arm.  I asked her to do something and her response to me was "Mom, I can't.  You know I only have one arm!"  I just laughed at her and told her to get going.  Unfortunately, I am a bad mom.  I have never broken a bone so I don't really know what it is like.  It is sad to see a little 4 year old in a sling though so I do have to sympathize with that. 

Emily is also quite self conscious about her arm.  After coming home from the ER, we when back over to Grandma's house and when we got there, my cousins, Shawna and Cami, were there with their kids that are Emily's age.  When Emily saw the other kids she got really embarrassed and hid by me.  She didn't want the other kids to see her with a broken arm.  I told her it was okay and that other people have had broken arms before and her cousins would not care if her arm was in a sling they would play with her anyway.  She felt a little braver but still embarrassed until the other kids started plying with her and didn't even notice her arm.  Then she felt better and was back to her old happy self playing with the kids.

The next day, Emily said her arm still hurt but it was a little better.  Because Russell's parents both worked on Christmas, we headed over to their house the day after Christmas to celebrate with them.  The kids had a blast opening more presents:

Even with one hand Emily was able to rip all of the wrapping paper off her presents.  Colby also ripped all of the paper off of his presents into little pieces all over the floor.  He loved the Fire Truck and fire hat from Aunt Traci and Emily loved all of the art supplies she got too.  We had a fun night playing games, opening presents, and eating dinner and treats with the Farnsworth's.
Christmas wears us all out!  Here is Colby with his two favorite presents of Christmas.  His two pistols and his Woody shirt.  He has not put those guns down for a minute since he got them.  He walks around shooting everything.  As you can see, he even had to have them while sleeping.  And the Toy Story Woody shirt he refused to take off even for bed.  He finally did consent to take it off the next day for a bath but then when it was time to get in pajamas the next night, he got this shirt out of the dirt clothes hamper and insisted I put it back on him for bed.  What a funny kid.

Like I said before, we had a great Christmas minus the broken arm incident.  Merry Christmas everyone!!

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