Monday, May 13, 2013

Father & Sons

May 10-11 was our ward's annual Father and Sons outing.  This was the first time Russell has taken Colby and they had a blast.  I told him to take Logan too but he wouldn't... something about not being potty trained and still attached to mom!  Poor Logan.  Well with the boys gone, Emily and I (and Logan) decided to have a girls night, a mother and daughters outing.  It was really fun.  We went out to eat at Red Robin (Yummm!) and then went shoe shopping.  We both got a new pair of scandals for the summer.  We thought about going and getting our hair done too but the salon was closed by the time we got there.  On our way home, we stopped at Dairy Queen for a couple of Blizzards.  After getting into pajamas at home, we sat down and ate our ice cream and watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!  It was awesome!  Then we had a slumber party in mommy's bed. We had a great mother and daughters outing and Emily has told everyone about it over the last few days.  I gave the camera to Russell to take pictures of Father and Sons so, unfortunately, don't have any pictures of our fun outing.

Now here is Russell to tell about his fun Father and Son experience. 

Mine and Colby's first fathers and sons together. We had a blast together. The ward went to a place called Saucer Five just below Baker reservoir. As soon as we got up there, there were cow pies everywhere and Colby managed to find a lot of them and step in them before I could catch him. It was funny because he did not know what they were. He was just walking and managed to step in them. After his exploring adventure we found a place to put up the tent and get our beds ready. Colby wanted hot dogs and chips for dinner, so that is what we ate. After eating the funny adventures began. 

He was such a funny boy for the whole camping trip. Some of the activities that Colby and I did was throw rocks into the river and play with the other kids that were there. When we were done throwing rocks, Colby said "Dad lets go pishing for a pish." So off we went. He loved casting his pole in the water and reeling it in. Here is Colby and I right before bed playing in the tent making funny faces and chillin'. I am really bad on remembering flash lights on these little over nighters, so my friend John had a head lamp that we borrowed. Colby loved the little flashlight, he would not even let me take it and use it. Before bed, we had a program on the importance of the priesthood.

Here we are in the morning after are wonderful night sleep. For those who do not know Colby, when he sleeps he moves a lot and rolls around. I figured since it was still a little cold, I would bring just one bed and keep him warm. We were warm but the sleep part was minimal. Before we left the bishopric made us breakfast, camp pancakes and eggs, sausage and juice. The whole camping experience was so much fun. I went with my dad to fathers and son and had a blast, but it was a whole new fun experience being the dad and watching my son have fun camping and learning. I am so grateful to have a wonderful son like Colby, I love you so much son. Thanks for a great time. I cannot wait to take Colby and Logan together in the future. 

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