Saturday, May 11, 2013

Preschool Graduation Party

Sad day! Preschool is now finished.  Three of the kids in the group will be going to Kindergarten this year so that will just leave Emily and Eva who have one more year.  As a celebration of a fun year in preschool, we had a party!  Anna said she was going to do graduation hats and such but then decided that the kids would rather just play games and have fun than have a graduation ceremony.  I think she was right.

For fun we played a game with all of their sight words.  When we said a word the kids had to swat the word on the board with their fly swatter. 

Next they practiced counting to 20 while playing Hopscotch. Afterward they played Alphabet Bingo.  When the kids got Bingo, they received their prize of a water shooter and we spent the rest of the party playing in the water:
The kids absolutely loved it!  They had a blast spraying each other and running in the sprinkler and splashing in the little pool.  We also had various snacks in different shapes and colors to help them review the shapes.

This was a very fun party/graduation.  I am sad to see preschool end because Emily loved going and looked forward to it each week.  I know I need to keep working with her on her sight words and numbers so that she doesn't forget anything over the summer.  I am debating on if I should put her in the preschool offered at the Elementary school or just put together another Joy School preschool with some other moms next year.  I don't know I guess I will look into both.  This Joy School has also been good for Colby.  Even though he wasn't technically in the preschool, he still learned all of the songs, and can sing the Alphabet, the Days of the Week song, and some of the others.  So that is a plus for doing Joy School again but the school offered one would be good for Emily socially and get her ready for an actual school setting.  Anyway this has been a fun year and we are sad to see it end but we are looking forward to playing this summer!

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