Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there!  I had a fun Mother's Day spent relaxing.  I didn't wash a single dish!  (Unfortunately that meant a lot of work to do on Monday...)  Any way it was a good day.  First we started the day by getting homemade gifts and cards from Russell and the kids:

Don't I look so beautiful in my pj's and bed head!  Russell helped Emily and Colby make me paper flowers and Russell gave me a fun coupon book with some good coupons I will use over and over.  Like clean the house unlimited use coupon!  Ha ha ha (my evil laugh!) 

During church, the primary kids sang "Mother Dear" to their moms in sacrament meeting.  They did an awesome job.  Even some of the Nursery kids came up.  Then, during Primary, I had the kids take little gifts to all of the moms in the ward.  We took a little field trip to the Relief Society room and the ladies loved seeing the kids and receiving a gift.  And as a plus, we only lost two kids on the way...but we won't get into that!  Anyway we handed out little bags of M&Ms and the saying said "Mom's are the Sweetest" (Moms was in the M&M's logo)

And for our mom's and grandma's we made these way cute flowers out of toilet paper rolls.  Emily and Colby had a blast painting them and then I put them together.  I think they turned out cute and our Grandma's (and moms) loved them.

To celebrate, we went out to eat at Chuck-A-Rama with the Morwood side.  It was really good and a great change from Golden Corral. Then, after eating out we went over to Traci's house for another Sunday dinner with the Farnsworth's.  We tried not to stuff ourselves but Traci's dinner and fruit pizza was so good.
I had a good Mother's Day and I love being these three kids' mom!  If only I was better at being their mom by being more patient and teaching.  I really could do so much better.  I am going to keep trying the best I can to be a good mom and hopefully my kids will turn out all right. I love you guys!

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