Thursday, May 23, 2013


Poor Logan has been sick with the croup on and off for the past month.  For some reason he just can't seem to kick it.  We thought he was over it until Tuesday.  He had been acting fine and breathing normal so we decided to get ready to go camping for Memorial Day by cleaning out the trailer.  The dust must have aggravated his throat because that night the croup started acting up again.  At 1:30 am Wednesday we woke up to Logan coughing the barky cough and wheezing and screaming.  He was so bad that he could not seem to catch his breath.  He was getting so upset that he couldn't breathe and he was retracting a lot.  Russell rushed Logan to the ER to be checked out.  He told me he had never driven to the hospital so fast!  When he got to the ER, the nurses and doctors looked at Logan and could hear him breathing and see his chest retracting and told Russell it was good he came in.  They immediately started a breathing treatment, and IV, and administered a steroid to open Logan's airway so he could breathe.  I was at home praying and trying not to freak out.  Russell called me a few minutes later and told me to come in because they were going to admit Logan to the peds floor for more observation and breathing treatments.  I called my mom at 2 in the morning to have her come watch Emily and Colby while I went to the hospital.  My parents came right over and got Emily and Colby to take them to their house and dropped me off at the hospital on the way. 

Logan and I got to take our first ambulance ride that night!  The hospital transport team that Russell works for took us over to the 400 E campus to the Pediatric Unit.  Logan was already feeling better and was smiling at the Paramedics as we were being transported.  We finally got settled into our room on the Peds floor so Russell headed home to get a few hours of sleep.  He had testing for the Fire Department that morning.  During the night, Logan had a total of 3 Racemic Epi treatments as well as one Albuterol breathing treatment.  By the morning he was feeling much better.  I was finally able to get about 2 hours of sleep. 

He doesn't look very sick does he?  He was hooked up to so many monitors that it was hard not to get them all tangled up.  And the poor thing had an IV in his arm so I had to watch to not bump it too much.  The nurses on the Pediatric floor were way nice.  They were also way surprised at how big Logan was!  The must have just been told that a 3 month old baby was coming over so they got set up for a little baby.  But when we arrived they realized that Logan was not a little baby!  The little blood pressure cuff would not fit around his leg so they had to get the next size bigger.  And the onesie they set out for him was too small too so I just wrapped him in his blanket.

The respiratory therapists kept checking on him to see if his stats  and breathing were okay.  By the time it was time for his next breathing treatment at 11, Logan was doing much, much better so the RT decided he didn't need another treatment.  Logan continued to improve and we were able to go home around 2 that afternoon. 

This was definitely a scary experience for me.  You never want to see your baby in the hospital and you definitely never want to hear your child breathing like that!  I am very grateful for the doctors and modern medicine that were able to help Logan.  We are still keeping an eye on him and keeping him under a cool mist humidifier.  Hopefully he will kick this soon!

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