Sunday, May 5, 2013

Taylor's Baptism

May 4 was Taylor Hughes' baptism.  It was awesome to go and see her make this important step in her life and get baptized.

I know that baptism is the first and most important step we can take in returning to live with our Heavenly Father.  Without baptism we cannot do that.  I also know that without the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, which we receive when we are confirmed a member of the Church, our lives would be much harder.  It is through the Holy Ghost that we receive the assurance that what we are doing and learning are right and it is through the Holy Ghost that we receive the guidance we need to make the right decisions that will lead us back to our Heavenly Father. 

I am so grateful for the Gospel and the blessings it brings to my life.  I am also glad that we were able to attend Taylor's baptism and support her in this great decision and ordinance.  I could really feel the Spirit.

After the baptism, Emily told me that Taylor looked so beautiful in her white dress and she couldn't wait to be baptized too so she could have a beautiful white dress like Taylor!  We all headed to Lacie's house for dinner after the baptism to celebrate this important step in Taylor's life.

Congratulations Taylor!

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