Thursday, May 2, 2013

3 Months Old

Logan is now 3 months old!  He is a growing boy and weighs 16 lbs!  He is also a really happy baby.  He is always smiling and has also began to be a little chatter box making lots of little baby noises.  Look how cute our little man is:

Logan loves his brother and sister and is constantly watching them.  I can tell that he cannot wait until he can run around and play with them.  As you can see, Emily loves being with Logan too.  She had to have a picture with him and I think it is the cutest picture.  Now if I could have just had Colby's head on the other side it would have been prefect but Colby hates taking pictures and I have to totally bribe him to look at the camera.

Logan has been sick with croup this past few weeks the poor little thing.  But he was still all smiles for the doctor as he was checked that is until the doctor tried to look at his tonsils with the Popsicle stick.  Logan got so mad he just clenched his jaw and would not open at all!  The doctor said he had never seen a baby hate that so much.  Thankfully he is doing much better and does not have that raspy breathing anymore. 

Logan is definitely becoming more active. I got out the baby gym and he loves playing with it (don't mind the pink my boys are tough enough to play with pink toys!):

Logan loves batting a the toys and tries to pull them to his mouth.  We are in the process of teaching him to roll over.  He has rolled over from his belly to back twice but that was more of luck than actually knowing how to roll over.  Unfortunately he has began to rub all of his lovely hair off of the back and sides of his head so now he has a funny comb-over/crew cut like hairdo.  But it is still dark and handsome with baby blue eyes!  Logan has also discovered his feet.  Whenever he is on the ground he tries to grab his toes.  Because of his big belly though it is sometimes hard to do so you hear him grunting and groaning as he is doing his leg lift workout to try and get his toes.  This often lead to puking!  Yes, unfortunately, he is still a spit-up king. Logan has also found his hands and because of that will no longer take a pacifier but prefers to suck on his fingers and hands.  He is a cute little man and we sure love him.

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