Monday, May 18, 2015

Time Flies...

Time has just seemed to fly by these past few months.  I can't believe it is already May and so much has happened to us already this year.  As I was going through my pictures to finally update the blog I found a few funny random pictures and just had to share.

First is this one of Emily.  It was Cat in the Hat day at school so the PTA painted whiskers and noses on all of the kids.  Emily thought she was so cool and wore the whiskers all day.

Next is a picture of Logan in the bounce house at our friends' birthday party.  Our neighbors and the kids little friends, Braxton and Easton, had an "Un-Birthday" party.  Their birthdays are about a month apart so they had their birthday party together in the middle of the two.  It was a cute Alice in Wonderland theme complete with a fun bounce house and a book exchange.  The kids had a blast with all of their friends from the ward.

These are a couple of cute ones of Logan.  First we always have marshmallows when the kids lay down for naps.  Well as you can see Logan barely got one in his mouth before falling asleep!  It was too funny to not get a picture.

And here is a priceless picture of Logan in his favorite spot.  Sitting on Great-Grandma's nap watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  We will miss seeing Grandma everyday and Grandma will sure miss these kids.

The next pictures are of Daddy's new work!

While up to look for houses, we were able to stop by Russell's new fire station in down town Logan and see him in action.  We got a little tour of the fire station and were able to see the cool firetrucks.  The kids also got cool fire hats and sticker badges to take home as souvenirs.  We are excited for Daddy's new job!

Well at least somebody liked the fact that we had boxes everywhere.  While we were packing up our stuff to get ready to move, we had about a million cardboard boxes in our carport ready to be filled.  Well Emily, Colby and Logan had a blast playing in these boxes all day long.  They build garages for their bikes, forts, huts, shops, cars and anything they could think of.  They loved using their imaginations to have fun.

At the end of April Emily had an award ceremony at her school:

She was awarded the Outstanding Math Student award for the month of April.  We were so proud of her.  She received a cool certificate and a gift certificate to Pizza Pie Cafe.  Luckily there is a Pizza Pie Cafe in Logan.  Emily also received her participation certificate for the District Science fair at this ceremony too.

And finally, this is a picture from our new home in Hyrum:
This is Colby sleeping in his cave!  There is a little storage room underneath the stairs in our new house and Colby has claimed it for his cave.  He told me he was going to sleep in his cave during nap time every day.  So here he is doing just that.  I have since put a little carpet remnant in there so at least it has a little padding rather than just the hard concrete.  He is a funny boy.

So there you have it; just a few little snapshots of our crazy life.  Enjoy more to come...

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