Monday, July 5, 2021

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday in Texas for our wonderful Mom and Wife. We couldn't bring anything over with us during our flight so Emily and I took off to the store and got some cool presents for her. I was also at the gas station getting a drink with my Dad when I saw the Lotto tickets. I got excited and bought two of them because Tiff has always wanted to try her hand at one. 

We were all crossing our fingers hoping she would win big so we could go buy cool stuff and vacation a lot more.  As you can see we were all focused on her scratching and hoping to win the big one, but of course we are not even lucky enough to win $5. Bummer. We figured we helped by at least putting some money back into the Texas economy though. 

 We celebrated her birthday a day before because we were driving the next day back to Dallas. Traci made an amazing strawberry birthday cake and the frosting had real strawberries blended up in it. It was so delicious! I also kept with our tradition of getting each other peanut butter M&M's  for our birthday.

This was a great way to turn 36.  I am getting so old!  Happy Birthday to me!

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