Sunday, July 18, 2021

Stanley Lake: Idaho Trip Day 2

We made it to our destination for our big family trip of the Summer, Stanley, ID.  After leaving Balanced Rock, we got to our campsite really late around midnight or one.  Luckily the Pryor's were already there and had saved us a place.  We camped about twenty mile south of Stanley, ID along the river.  We didn't really know where to camp so this looked like a good place.  Now that we have explored this area, we found some other good campsites we could use if we come back up here.

Our first day was spent at Stanley Lake.
 It was so fun just relaxing at the lake kayaking and swimming.

We kayaked all over the lake.  The scenery was so beautiful!  The lake was also quite peaceful with hardly any waves.  We kayaked around the whole lake discovering different areas.  We floated through downed trees and near bridges.  Along the lake, it was fun to see the different depths of water.  Some areas were really shallow and we could see and touch the bottom and other areas were really deep. We were also able to see lots of little fish swimming around our kayaks.  Tami and Roy had a two person kayak/canoe that was really fast.  Because it was V-shaped, it just cut through the water much better than our flat bottomed kayaks.  We tried to race Roy  but he beat us every time.

The scenery was the best part of sailing on the lake.  I could have just kayaked out to the middle of the lake and stayed there all day!

Brooklyn also liked sticking her feet in the cold water.  At least for a little bit.

The water was quite cold but the kids didn't seem to care about that.  They were just happy to get out of the heat. Truly did not like the water at all.  The poor dog just wanted to sit in the shade but Emily and the other kids just kept trying to drag her out into the water.  Russell even got her on the kayak for a few minutes.  

After spending the day at the lake, it was time to head back to camp. We loaded up the truck and put Truly in the back with the kayaks.  We secured her in with her leash and headed back to camp.  When we got back to camp, we realized something had gone terribly wrong.  Russell got out and Truly was gone.  All that was left was her collar.  Emily immediately started screaming and crying.  It was so terrible.  We didn't know what had happened to Truly or how she had gotten out of the back of the truck.  As I was trying to hold onto Emily, Tami rushed over and grabbed Brooklyn and the other kids as Russell got back in the truck and sped off to try and find our dog.  Roy followed after him to try and help.  

While we waited, the kids were just heart broken that their dog was missing.  We didn't know if she was dead or just hurt somewhere or what had happened to her.

After driving around and searching for a few hours, Russell finally got some news about Truly.  He drove clear back to Stanley Lake and couldn't find Truly.  Then he asked some people at the Lake and found out that someone had found a dog on the side of the road and had taken it into town.  Russell rushed to the town and asked everywhere.  Someone at the gas station said they had talked to a guy about a hurt dog and was sure it was our dog.  This was great new but we still didn't know where our dog was who had her or what was wrong with her.  Russell left his phone number and campsite with the gas station person.  We just kept hoping the people would come back to the gas station and ask about us.

We were really heartbroken that night but we had some good news, our dog was alive.  We said a family prayer that night and had faith that we would find her.

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