Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Weekend

We had a great Easter this year. It is so fun to be with family celebrating our Savior's life and resurrection. We took a lot of pictures over the weekend so this post is chuck full of them. Enjoy...

We started our Easter celebrations off on Friday by coloring Easter Eggs.Emily had a blast coloring the eggs. She liked coloring on the eggs with the crayons then dropping them in the color. She would then stir the egg with the spoon causing the dye to spill all over the counter. Needless to say, my counter top was all different colors by the time we were done. Luckily our bleach cleaner was able to take all of the colors away.

Here are our beautiful eggs! Don't ask me why we made 2 dozen but we had fun and I guess we will be having potato salad and egg salad sandwiches for the next few days.

The next morning we woke up to see what the Easter Bunny had brought us. Of course we got some yummy candy and bubbles. We also got some sidewalk chalk, Emily got Strawberry Shortcake lip gloss, a kick ball and they both got patio chairs so we can sit outside when our back yard is finished. Emily has taken her chair everywhere so she can have her own personal chair. I can't believe how big Colby looks compared to Emily in this picture! He is half her size though. He weighs 13 lbs and she only weighs 26!

After enjoying our loot, we headed off to the Washington City Easter Egg hunt where we met up with my sisters' families and my parents. These pictures are of the hunting field before and after they yelled "Go!"

Emily had a good time gathering all the candy she could find. She did much better at this hunt than the Cottontail Scramble on Monday. She got a lot of candy and even gathered some and gave it to the kids next to her.

Look at all that candy! The Easter Egg hunt started at 10 o'clock and by 10:05 it was over. After Emily was done, we went to look for our cousins so show them all the candy we had gathered.

All of the cousins also got a lot of candy. I love Tyrel's Halloween/Easter bucket!

After the Hunt, we headed home to get ready for the annual Morwood Easter Picnic with my dad's family. We had the picnic at Santa Clara Elementary which is nice because we have the school playground and field to ourselves. While there we have a good picnic of Sloppy Joe's and salads and played.

We brought Emily's new ball and Russell taught her how to play four-square and kickball. As you can tell from the picture, she is already pretty good at kickball. I think she will have a blast with this ball when we get our grass in.

And of course, Colby participated in his favorite pastime as well...SLEEPING! (Don't you just want to squeeze those chunky cheeks!)

After a tiring game of four-square and kickball, the kids decided it was time to slow down and do a little bit of sidewalk chalk art. They colored for quite a while and there were some pretty interesting designs when they were done!

The highlight of the entire picnic though is the huge game of baseball!

Here is the team (yes, there is only one team and we don't keep score) and the "cheering" fans!

Here is Russell striking out... (heehee). Don't ask me where he learned to bat but usually you keep both feet on the ground! (He is going to kill me for posting this!) Anyway it was pretty funny to watch. OK don't worry he really does know how to bat, this was just a funny picture I took at the wrong time (or right time depending on who you ask!).

Emily also had fun hitting the ball and running the bases even though her arm is a little longer than usual now after her dad pulled her around the bases... A good time was had by one and all and after about 4 hours of baseball, we headed home for some much needed sleep.

The next morning was Easter Sunday. We had Stake Conference so we decided to stay home from church. Come to find out though, during the Conference, our ward got split and the boundaries were redone. So we probably should have gone to church. We did have some spiritual enlightenment on Sunday though because we watched "Finding Faith in Christ" and another church movie. Those movies really helped us remember that Christ is the true meaning of Easter.

For breakfast, Russell made us rabbit pancakes and we ate some of our colored eggs too. They were very good!

After breakfast, Emily wanted us to paint her fingernails with the new fingernail polish she got. Russell also taught her how to use Robin Eggs as lipstick so doesn't she look so pretty with her green finger and toenails and her blue lips! I caught Colby and Dad taking a much needed Sunday nap before all of the fun began.

First, our neighbors, the Valks, came over and asked if Emily wanted to come to an Easter Egg hunt at their house. We said "Sure." and headed over to their house. Their 5 year old twins are Emily's new friends. They play together all the time.

Here is Emily with the twins, Taryn and Traten, after the fun Easter Egg hunt. We had a good time with the Valks and I thought it was really nice of them to invite us over. It has been fun getting to know them and becoming friends. It is also nice to have someone for Emily to play with.

Later that day, we went over to my parent's house for dinner and another Easter Egg hunt for all of the cousins. We also do this every year and it is a blast watching all of the kids scramble for the candy and eggs. This year it was raining by the time we did the hunt so we had to do it inside the downstairs garage.

While they waited for all of the eggs to be hidden, the grand kids worked on crafts and made fun foam rabbits and eggs with their names on them. Then when it was time, they all lined up at the top of the stairs to come down one at a time, youngest to oldest. Colby was the first to go this year and I made sure he got all of the good candy... like the Cadbury eggs... because of course he was asleep.

After the big hunt, it was time to look at all of our findings. Emily had so much candy; we will be eating it for weeks. Hopefully our teeth won't rot too much! Emily liked opening all of the eggs and being surprised at everything she found inside.

Colby decided to wake up after all of the excitement was over so that he could look at what he got in his eggs too.

Isn't he the cutest thing ever! So handsome! I am still trying to decide what color his eyes will be. Some days they are blue but other days they are brown so we will have to see.

We all had a good time at the Easter Egg hunt and it is always fun to be around family celebrating an important holiday. I am glad we could all get together this year. We did miss Clay and Shauna but I am sure they had fun with Shauna's family.

Russell and I had a great Easter until we had to end it on a low note of Emily puking from eating too much candy and taking Colby into the ER to get suctioned out because he was so congested he could hardly breath. Emily is fine now except for a slight ear infection and after being suctioned out 2 more times, Colby seems to be doing much better as well. Luckily we had met and exceeded our medical deductible for the year so these trips to the hospital should not cost much. Oh the joys of children... Thank goodness for answered prayers and blessings.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a happy Easter!

P.S. Colby is starting to smile all the time now and he has the cutest little grin and just makes me melt. He is the sweetest little guy and definitely just a happy go lucky kid. I hope he continues to be such a good baby.

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